Home News March 2010 9th
Iron Fist Marvel Masterpieces Series 2 Sketch Card |
Thanks to Kevin for forwarding the following photo of an Iron Fist Marvel Masterpieces Series 2 sketch card created by David Mack:
Plane Trip, Plugging Emerald City Con & More |
From David Mack: |
#1: RE: ELECTRIC ANT- @SotoColor does an incredible job of adding just the right color atmosphere to this story. Scene by scene. Great work.
#2: After seeing the finished & colored art for Electric Ant, gave the script another finessing the entire plane ride. To better fit art.
#3: On my transitional state of airport 4 connection of flightness. Chinese food. And kind woman gave me life advice while I eat. About ladies
#4: On plane to @Brianmbendis. Psu talk Wed. Seattle sat n sun.
#5: @BRIANMBENDIS If by sleep, U mean ride ur bike, eat your food, watch your tv & play your video games while listening to rif trax... then yes
#6: More steps on this Philly Art Museum than you think. Lots of work to finish today before I catch a plane to @brianmbendis place...
#7: Broadcasting live from my early morning Rocky Balboa run.
#8: Good morning, revolutionaries.
#9: My cats are huge. They are doing [Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu] & it makes noise like large animals.
#10: ;) RT @GreatDismal: The New Dork http://bit.ly/aYtRFR
#11: EMCC in Seattle this Sat & Sun. I'll have KABUKI: THE ALCHEMY in Hardcover & paperback. Original artwork, Prints & will sign w/o limit
#12: @james_samson Come visit ours. Maybe New York in October?
#13: RT @julialing: I posted 13 photos on Facebook in the album "Kabuki Inspiration Promo Shoot"
#14: ! RT @BRIANMBENDIS countdown to eccc! i will be there w maleev, mack, oeming, bru, fraction, joey q, cb & a boatload of my other fave people |