 Home Collaborators Brian Michael Bendis
Brian Michael Bendis
· BrokenFrontier.com: Part one, two, three
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· OzComics.com
· PopImage.com
· SilverBulletComicBooks.com
· SlushFactory.com
· TwoMorrows.com
· WestfieldComics.com
David Mack's Thoughts:
· "Brian and I met at the Chicago con over eight years ago and have been each other's best friends in the industry ever since. We've sort of learned a lot from each other and critique each others ideas and work long before they get published. We have different enough perspectives that it is a
big help having another unique POV on your initial plans.
Here's something funny that you may not know: When I was writing the first Kabuki story in 1993, I was not interested in drawing or doing the art. I just wanted to be the writer.
I actually asked Bendis to draw Kabuki and he was going to. So I have these early Kabuki drawings that Bendis did.
Eventually I decided that I'd need to learn to draw it myself in order for the art to fit the organic and unconvential quality of my ridicualous script. So I had to figure out the art stuff on my own. But it sort of cracks me up to see these early Kabuki pages by Bendis. Especially since I'm now painting a DD story that he wrote." (February 7, 2001) · "Brian and I met at the Chicago Convention. We were both doing creator owned comics thru Caliber and other publishers. At one point we were both signing at the Caliber table at the same time and introduced ourselves and showed each other our work and immediatly became friends and hung out together for the entire rest of the show. And at the show, he told me he was up for some pencilling gigs, and wanted me as his inker. So we began working that way as well and we were on the phone every week from then on. And we began critiquing each other's personal work as we developed it. This was hugely helpful and we each sort of shaped and informed the other in our early formative years. Brian's advice and POV opened up whole new worlds to me at that time, that enriched my approach to my storytelling. And I'd like to think I was as helpful to him in that regard." (December 8, 2003)
· Brian Michael Bendis appeared in Giantkiller #1 (with Anh Tran and David Mack)
· David Mack and Brian Michael Bendis have collaborated on the following projects: Daredevil #16-#19, which was collected as the Wake Up trade paperback, and Daredevil #50; Flaxen; Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special #1; Alias; Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #15 and #16; Nick Fury, a project that fell through; as well as H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu: The Festival #1, #2 and #3
· His artwork has appeared in the Kabuki: The Alchemy #1 and Kabuki: Gallery
· Mr. Bendis also included David Mack in his comics, such as Total Sell Out, Fortune in Glory and Powers (as himself with Andy Lee and as the character Detective David Mack)
· Mr. Mack's most popular character, Kabuki, appeared in Oni Press Color Special, which was drawn by Mike Oeming and written by Brian Michael Bendis
· David Mack's sketch of Mr. Bendis appeared Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly: Spring Break 2003
Related Links:
starlight.1afm.com/bendis/ - Bendis: Total Sell Out