You may take something troubling from your past, but in writing about it, turn it into something beautiful... By starting with that, you can take what may be considered your flaw, your madness, and turn it into your asset.
* Dates Subject to Change *
Kabuki - The Alchemy Hardcover & Trade Paperback: ON SALE
Daredevil - Parts of a Hole Premiere HC: ON SALE
Kabuki - Reflections: Volume 1 Hardcover (regular & limited edition): ON SALE
Daredevil - Echo: Vision Quest Premiere Edition Hardcover: ON SALE
Kabuki - Volume 1: Circle of Blood Hardcover (Regular & Limited Editions): ON SALE
Se7en French Edition Blu-ray: ON SALE
Electric Ant Hardcover: ON SALE
Green Arrow #8: ON SALE
Dream Logic #3: ON SALE
Days Missing - Kestus #4: ON SALE
5 Ronin #4: ON SALE
Justice League of America #56: April 20

Boston Comic Con
April 30 - May 1, 2011
Boston, Massachusetts

Houston Comicpalooza
May 27-29, 2011
Houston, Texas


Home News April 2006

April 28: Photos from Pittsburgh Comicon, Ice fan artwork, Toy Wiz 10% discount code, MOB news bytes, release date anniversaries & more

April 27: Reaching the Dragon CD sells out, Kabuki fan artwork, My Comic Shop discount code, MOB news bytes & more

April 26: Oversized Kabuki hardcovers, Kabuki fan artwork, Mile High Comics sales, MOB news bytes, release date anniversary & more

April 25: David Mack nominated for Eagle Award, sharing two secrets, David Mack and Andy Lee mentioned at & more

April 24: David Mack mentioned in Tamora Pierce interview, MOB news bytes, release date anniversaries & auction spotlight

April 21: Comixtreme spotlights Daredevil storylines, Kabuki Statue review, excerpt from Clayburn Moore interview & more

April 20: July 2006 solicitations, share a secret with David Mack, conventions opening tomorrow, visiting Australia again & more

April 18: Kabuki: Reflections #6 debuts in July, David Mack documentary DVD update, Kabuki and Echo fan artwork & more

April 17: Kabuki song on Reaching the Dragon CD, upcoming convention appearances, Pittsburgh Comicon details and panels & more

April 13: Examining the definition of success, Comixfan interviews Tamora Pierce, release date anniversaries & more

April 12: Save 20% at Big Bad Toy Store, release date anniversary & auction spotlight

April 11: Kabuki: Reflections #6 in production, White Tiger amulet, buying artwork at New York Comic-Con & more

April 10: White Tiger #2 cover, experimental comic recommendations, Siamese artwork jam session, David Mack mentioned on Indie Spinner Rack podcast & more

April 7: David Mack's signature chop, New York City Comic-Con photo, Diamond Galleries spotlights Alias Omnibus & more

April 6: Kabuki mask photographs, free shipping at, save 50% at Wild Pig Comics & auction spotlight

April 5: Wolverine novel on Simon and Schuster's website, David Mack shares background, Eisner submission process & more

April 4: David Mack confirms Pittsburgh con appearance, Kabuki mask photographs, Kabuki college paper, Mack and Oeming mentioned in review & more

April 3: Help decide next Kabuki mini-bust, David Mack mentioned in Clayburn Moore interview, Kabuki mask photographs & more

Order Kabuki: Reflections -
Volume 1 Hardcover Today!

April 11: Webmaster's note

April 7: David Mack attending New York's MoCCA this weekend, MoCCA pre-party, thoughts on two films & more

April 6: Photo of upcoming Dream Logic shirt, David Mack and Tony Solomun art jam zine, David Mack plugged in Qatar newspaper & more

Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.