April 2006
April 28: Photos from Pittsburgh Comicon, Ice fan artwork, Toy Wiz 10% discount code, MOB news bytes, release date anniversaries & more
April 27: Reaching the Dragon CD sells out, Kabuki fan artwork, My Comic Shop discount code, MOB news bytes & more
April 26: Oversized Kabuki hardcovers, Kabuki fan artwork, Mile High Comics sales, MOB news bytes, release date anniversary & more
April 25: David Mack nominated for Eagle Award, sharing two secrets, David Mack and Andy Lee mentioned at Comicon.com & more
April 24: David Mack mentioned in Tamora Pierce interview, MOB news bytes, release date anniversaries & auction spotlight
April 21: Comixtreme spotlights Daredevil storylines, Kabuki Statue review, excerpt from Clayburn Moore interview & more
April 20: July 2006 solicitations, share a secret with David Mack, conventions opening tomorrow, visiting Australia again & more
April 18: Kabuki: Reflections #6 debuts in July, David Mack documentary DVD update, Kabuki and Echo fan artwork & more
April 17: Kabuki song on Reaching the Dragon CD, upcoming convention appearances, Pittsburgh Comicon details and panels & more
April 13: Examining the definition of success, Comixfan interviews Tamora Pierce, release date anniversaries & more
April 12: Save 20% at Big Bad Toy Store, release date anniversary & auction spotlight
April 11: Kabuki: Reflections #6 in production, White Tiger amulet, buying artwork at New York Comic-Con & more
April 10: White Tiger #2 cover, experimental comic recommendations, Siamese artwork jam session, David Mack mentioned on Indie Spinner Rack podcast & more
April 7: David Mack's signature chop, New York City Comic-Con photo, Diamond Galleries spotlights Alias Omnibus & more
April 6: Kabuki mask photographs, free shipping at TFAW.com, save 50% at Wild Pig Comics & auction spotlight
April 5: Wolverine novel on Simon and Schuster's website, David Mack shares background, Eisner submission process & more
April 4: David Mack confirms Pittsburgh con appearance, Kabuki mask photographs, Kabuki college paper, Mack and Oeming mentioned in review & more
April 3: Help decide next Kabuki mini-bust, David Mack mentioned in Clayburn Moore interview, Kabuki mask photographs & more