Message Boards
WFC: February 1-5, 2004
Re: Critics do to Mack what builders do to sacred
SUN, 2/1/04, 6:00 a.m. - In Response To: Critics do to Mack what builders
do to sacred land (smokinghawk)
I appreciate your thoughtfulness about that. And I think I do relate
to it similar to the analogy that you mentioned. But also I look at it
in the positive way that you mentioned. The truth is that the DD sales didn’t fall. All those issues sold consistent with the previous DD issues.
You can see a conservative estimate of the sales of every DD issue on the
manwithoutfear.com site.
And though there were those critics that you mentioned, there were
many more, and many more readers, that related to it profoundly and personally.
And that story still has a huge life after the monthly issues. It hasn’t
found its entire audience yet. It will live on in bookstores in paperback
and hardcover collections and find new readers in book stores. I look at
the life of the story in long term, not short term.
And I don’t hold anything against those “critics”. Many of them are
very young kids. Some fresh out of high school (or still in), or veteran
critics with a one track mind. Many will out grow their narrow mindedness.
Others will not. But I don’t subscribe to their limited paradigme of what
is a good or bad work. In fact, sometimes a critic has blown off my Echo story, and then praised books that I myself find shallow, boring, redundant,
and meaningless. When they hold up one of those books as an example of
their perfect comic book, it becomes very clear to me that I should be
glad they do not like my book! It shows that I am doing something right.
Then I am grateful for them not liking it. Because if they think those
other books were amazing, I’d prefer to know my story was not their kind
of story. It shows a natural barometor for their grading scale, which I
think is obvious to anyone who reads their criticisms.
So I don’t feel a need to argue. I think it is pretty evident to readers
when a so called critic isn’t as smart as they think they are. I trust
the readers and give them credit to see past the narrow-mindedness of these
critics. And I appreciate those that perhaps are able to look beyond their
usually reading habits and face the work with an open mind, and see it
for what it is, rather than what they are used to, or the box they had
hoped it would fit into.
It doesn’t crush my spirit about it at all. I do the stories for a reason.
Not to get critical praise and not to make money. I know how to do the
kind of stories that would lead to fast praise and fast money, but I am
driven by a need to tell the stories that I am compelled to tell. The act
of doing them is their own reward. It is a meaningful process for me. And
those readers that share in it bring a huge additional ripple effect reward.
I always get this kind of reaction to every one of my books, from some
place or another. I have from the beginning of my Kabuki work. Some critics
hale an issue as amazing and innovative, others dismiss the same issue
out of hand because it does not look like what their version of a comic
book is.
I vary the style, and story pace, and media in my books. So every issue
of Kabuki, there has always been someone who has been upset that a story is in black and white, or upset that it is in color, or upset that it is painted, or upset that it was too dense, or upset that it was not dense
enough, or upset that it read too slow, or read too fast, or had too much
action, or not enough action, or whatever. I vary each of my issues in
storytelling pace and structure. I like the contrast it builds in the over
all story. The more insightful people get it right away. But others have
trouble fitting it into their paradigme because it doesn’t play by their
rules. My books play by their own rules. Not by the rules of other books.
Then years later, they decide that it is good and innovative. Often
some readers or “critics” need to let some time pass, and then re-read
the work, years later and they see an entirely different story than they
thought they saw. Sometimes they just need a bit more life experience before
it can have a deeper meaning for them. That is just the nature of doing
something beyond what others are used to in an artform. To get that kind
of reaction is a GOOD sign. Not a bad one. But then there are the people
who don’t get it, even in re-readings or after a space of time. And in
that case, as you suggested, you do feel for them that they have not grown,
or cannot see beyond their own box.
But the reality is, that most of the readers learn to appreciate it
over time. Even if only half the readers get it, then that is a huge number
that would never have gotten it if I did not do it. If I didn’t do it,
then no one would have liked it or gotten something from it. It is always
a win, win situation.
You realize early on, that what the critics say, reveals more about
them, than it does about the work.
The work finds its audience. And I make sure that my work stays in print.
So it has years and years to gain new readers who aren’t even born yet.
Some mean spirited people who couldn’t get their head around the story
in the monthly version because it did not fit into their narrow view of
what a comic book should be, is nothing compared to all the brand new readers
who will find the story in paperback and hardcover in the next few decades.
And often people cannot fully appreciate the contrast of each issue
to issue, because they do not understand how the pieces come together as
a whole in the story. But I view this unpredictability as a good thing.
Many critics, are so used to being able to predict the cookie cutter
structure of a story, because that is all they get, that they think that
status quo is the right way to do it. Then when you stray from the status
quo it makes them uncomfortable, and they think you are doing something
wrong, which I find hilarious.
I love a story that challenges me, and does not talk down to me, but
forces me to put the pieces together.
By the way, thanks for choosing to buy those pages of Echo art! I’m
sure you’ll hear from Anh asap.
Re: Why do you LOVE Detroit?
MON, 2/2/04, 2:56 a.m. - In Response To: Why do you hate Detroit? (Coyote)
I got a friend one of the Kabuki masks and brought it to two seperate Detroit Comic Cons which you were listed on the bill.
No shows both times, me standing with a mask lookin like a chump.
So do you hate Detroit or is it just me you hate?
I love the Motor City Con. I did it eleven years in a row. Usually twice
a year.
Sorry I missed last year. I was sick and didn't want to spread it to
my fans.
In apology, I sent hundreds of Kabuki books with Andy Lee, and he gave them away free to anyone who asked for me.
I will be there this May. Hope to see you. I'll be happy to sign.
Re: Big Apple Convention
TUE, 2/3/04, 1:49 p.m. - In Response To: Re: Big Apple Convention (real-tv)
April 3 and 4 I think.
Andy Lee and I are scheduled to be there.
Hope to see you there.
here's the link,
can you confirm this for us David for those wanting to make plans...
New David Mack Art Books...
TUE, 2/3/04, 11:41 p.m. - In Response To: Re: Demands! (Christopher
Yeah, that would be really nice. Make it an oversized one
of course. You know like the old H.R. Giger hard covers that sell for exorbitant
amounts of money. I'd shell out for that.
When your at that con's and see that paintings in full size, it just
gives you a warm feeling. You could stay at the booth all day.
There is an Art of David Mack book planned for release from Images. We are planning to do a series of oversized art books. The Scarab Art Book
would be one of these, and we will probably start with an oversize book
that includes each and every Kabuki cover, with sketches. So it may start with the Kabuki cover art book. And then follow with the Art of David Mack book that also includes a lot of non-comic book work as well as comic book stuff.
We have the cover art book scheduled for this year.
What do you think. All suggestions about any of this will be considered.
Re: Kabuki German Portfolio Question
TUE, 2/3/04, 11:45 p.m. - In Response To: Kabuki German Portfolio Question
Does anyone know how much these are worth? I used to own
2 of them and they were in mint condition, but they were destroyed when
our house flooded. For insurance purposes, I have to figure out a value.
Please help?
I believe the retail value of them when first offered was $120.
But as they were limited to 900 and are probably hard to find now,
they may be an after market appreciation to them, but I don't know what
they sell now in stores these days. Usually when I see them in stores or
at cons, the retailers sell the prints individually and not as the entire
portfolio, which I believe brings much more than the retail price.
New Comic Shop News has Kabuki cover story/intervi
WED, 2/4/04, 2:54 p.m.
Comic Shop News is available for FREE at your local comic book story.
The new one, #867, features a Kabuki cover and a full double page interview
with me and Kabuki article about KABUKI- Alchemy.
But get it quick, the new issues come out every week.
Re: hello - after a long time away....
THU, 2/5/04, 5:16 p.m. - In Response To: hello - after a long time away.... (claire)
(looking sheepish!) hello.....
it's a been a good long while since i posted on here, probably 18
months at least, so i thought i'd come out of lurking mode again! i'm from
london. david we met in paris two years back if you've got a good memory!!!
Hi Claire,
It is good to see you at the message board again.
Back in Paris, you told me to see the film Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
I love it! I see what you mean about your comparison. It does have a sort
of storytelling style comparable to an approach I've done in Kabuki.
It was very moving. I have the soundtrack too.
Thanks for mentioning it!
Re: WOW!
THU, 2/5/04, 5:18 p.m. - In Response To: WOW! (Chelle)
I found a comic in my house that I guess my Dad picked up
somewhere. I had to get on the net and find out more about David Mack and
what he does. I loved what I saw and I'll be getting more as soon as I
Was anyone else as awed by the artwork and poetry as I was?? I love
Welcome to our message board!
Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you found my work. When you are
able to read the complete Kabuki stories, let me know what you think of