Home Message Boards Bendis: September 1-5, 2004
Re: Portland Comic Book Show - October 10th - Bendis, Mack,
Sep 01, 2004 5:31 am
I Know Andy Lee is also doing Baltimore. I'd like to do it. Was just too busy this year. I'll try to do Baltimore next year.
But we've been planning this Portland con for a long time. It's a great excuse for the con to fly us all to visit Bendis and stay at his house
We'll hang out with him while he writes in his basement we'll make art and watch movies
Let the magic begin!
Re: sleeping positions with your spouce...
Sep 01, 2004 11:59 am
Usually it starts with my girlfriend in the middle and me on one side
of her. And one of her girlfriends on the other side.
But I like to find a way to end up in the middle by wake time.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 11:49 am
Thanks for reading it.
Let me know what you think of it when you read all 5 of the volumes
you got in Toronto
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 12:14 pm
I'm very happy with it. I can still look back at it and see a lot of
charm in it that still holds up. But I did it ten years ago. I was twenty
years old when I did it. So I also look back at it and see my 20 year old
self when I look at it. Some of that is a little heavy handed. A little
crude, and parts can make me wince a little now, as I'd have a bit more
finesse with some parts of it now. And with my 20 year old self. Much of
it was a reaction to the death of my mother at that time.
But for the most part, I do enjoy looking back at it and seeing the
raw passion and emotion that came out of my 20 year old self at that time
and did make it into those pages.
But I make a conscious effort to improve or go in new territory with
each story. I'm curous to see a readers reaction when they can read all
six volumes in a short time and see the character and story progression.
Because that is several years of my life condensed into that read.
And I do think that Metamorphosis (while still not perfect) marks my
most EVOLVED Kabuki work as a writer and as an artist.
Partly because it is standing on the shoulders of KABUKI: Circle of
Blood to go in new and uncharted territory. Taking that raw emotion and building it into something philosophical and meaningful.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 12:34 pm
SteveZ wrote:
That finger thing... One of my favorite things in a comic. So bad-ass.
That scene seems to have quite an impact for a lot of readers.
There were several parts in all the stories, where something made complete
sense to me in writing... but when I found myself drawing it, I wondered
if it was too bizzare. If it was too over the top.
But I ultimately had to trust my ideas. My ideas are smarter than I
am. And I had to just go through with it and be true to the writing.
But there was that point in drawing it when I was like "I can't believe
I'm drawing this". I hope this comes out right or it is going to be ridiculous".
A lot of stuff in Skin Deep was like that too.
I was like "I can't believe I'm drawing a maxi-pad. This is ridiculous".
I don't know if maxi-pads have ever been in comics before. There, my
contribution to the medium.
And one of the central images in the story is toilet paper. Often folded
into new shapes, but still. I was like this is a story full of toilet paper,
if this isn't handled right, it could be way off.
Lots of moments like that in Meta and Scarab too. Lots of bizarre stuff
in Scarab. Thankfully Rick Mays drew that one and pulled it all off beautifully with his Japanese style.
But thanks for the finger mention. I think it only works because of
the scenes of her training as a child. The scenes with the locusts and
the chickens. The finger is sort of the pay off to those scenes. A practival
application of her training.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 12:45 pm
who cares? wrote:
MACK! wrote:
I'm very happy with it. I can still look back at it and see a lot of
charm in it that still holds up. But I did it ten years ago. I was twenty
years old when I did it. So I also look back at it and see my 20 year old
self when I look at it. Some of that is a little heavy handed. A little
crude, and parts can make me wince a little now, as I'd have a bit more
finesse with some parts of it now. And with my 20 year old self. Much of
it was a reaction to the death of my mother at that time.
But for the most part, I do enjoy looking back at it and seeing the
raw passion and emotion that came out of my 20 year old self at that time
and did make it into those pages.
But I make a conscious effort to improve or go in new territory with
each story. I'm curous to see a readers reaction when they can read all
six volumes in a short time and see the character and story progression.
Because that is several years of my life condensed into that read.
And I do think that Metamorphosis (while still not perfect) marks my
most EVOLVED Kabuki work as a writer and as an artist.
Partly because it is standing on the shoulders of KABUKI: Circle of
Blood to go in new and uncharted territory. Taking that raw emotion and building it into something philosophical and meaningful.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
well, obviously, anyone that looks back on past work finds faults with
it and things that they would do differently, but that's natural and normal,
because your life and your concious being changes over time... as you said,
when you wrote Circle of Blood, you were affected by the death of your
mother (which i'm very sorry to hear), whereas now, i personally think
that you would be able to look at things more objectively...
i think that in the context of "Circle of Blood", all that raw passion
and emotion that was affecting you reflected very well in the story, especially
with the story being what it was... i think that's one of the things that
stunned me most about the book, was the power of all the things you were
trying to convey...
i know you said that had you done "Circle of Blood" now, you would
have done it differently, with more finesse, but in some cases, raw passion
IS necessary (in all mediums, including comic books)...
so far, i've read the first 3 books and i can see that each one is
its own being... they are all different when it comes to art, and even
the style of storytelling is different.... it shows that, as you evolved
as a writer/artist, you were able to adapt to whatever type of story-telling
you were trying to accomplish and change the art to fit that particular
type of story-telling....
i personally cannot wait to read Metamorphosis, which, as other people here (and you yourself) say is the culmination of your work, but so far,
it's fascinating seeing you change along with each volume...
That's a really good point.
It was always very important to me to make each chapter its own creature
with its own rules.
I do use a different style, different storytelling pace, different mediums
and a different point of view for each of the Kabuki volumes.
I like that each is a different facet, a different perspective, and
they all fit together like pieces in a puzzle, even though they are very
different animals on their own.
I also tried to write (and draw) each on in layers. So you see one layer
the first time you read it. And in each repeat readeing you will see a
new layer that is encrypted in the story. It's not just linear, but also
layered in a depth. The more you read them the deeper you can go.
I think they get better the more times you read them.
You can't see everything the first time.
re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 1:12 pm
Ron T. wrote:
I can definately see your point, Mr. Mack. It must be strange having
people comment on work that you did ten years ago, especially when you,
as you say, 'improved' over what you feel you did at that time.
I would definately agree that your work shows a market progression
of growth, and I have enjoyed each volume just a bit more than the previous
one. I LOVED Scarab, and I think it will be hard to top, but that was only because I connected with the character on various levels--both emotional and psychological, and became very attatched to that character in particular.
With the release of Alchemy #1, I was very excited to get the next 'chapter' in the story, and the way the panels and art and words flowed
together seamlessly, it quite simply blew me away.
(My only regret is that I got the TPB's, because I am now thinking
I may have to get the hardcovers of this series, and pass my TPB's on to
my friend, Lynda.)
Thanks, Ron!
I appreciate you introducing it to new readers
Sep 01, 2004 11:01 pm
Congrats, Tony!
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 11:08 pm
I like your avatar
That's a good look for you...
How many of you will I see at Dragon
Con this weekend?
Sep 01, 2004 11:14 pm
I'm planning on being there Fri-Monday.
A slight possiblilty I may arrive at the end of Friday. But definitely
there all the time the other days.
Please stop by and say hello. I'll be right next to Andy Lee and Anh
I'll have all the Kabuki books, prints, art and more.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 11:16 pm
Don't be jealous
Yours is nice too (or I'm sure would be if you had one) but Goodman's
is new and funny.
And Goodman, I love your Akemi songs.
Re: How many of you will I see at Dragon
Con this weekend?
Sep 01, 2004 11:22 pm
All the Circle of Blood Hardcovers published by Image are totally sold
But I have a few COB hardcovers from a limited run published pre-Image
that I may bring if people want those. They don't have the dustjacket like
the Image one. But it is a pretty rare limited run (only 300 made).
Is this something readers would want instead? Should I bring them?
Or you could just wait until Image makes more Circle of Blood Hardcovers.
But that won't be until the current printing of the paperback runs out.
I'd estimate at least a year to two years.
And I do have ALL of the other Hardcovers in stock, and ALL of the paperbacks
to all six voumes.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 01, 2004 11:26 pm
Glad to hear that
Please post what you think of it when you get a chance to read it.
Will this be the first Kabuki that you have read? Or have you read
the new issue #1 or any of the other trades?
Re: where are they now? comicbook edition
Sep 01, 2004 11:33 pm
TheKraken wrote:
What the f*ck is Travis Charest doing lately? Anything at all? Is
he still working on that 6 page Metabarons story he started in 2002?
I met with Travis Charest at a cafe in Paris about a year and a half ago.
He's living in Paris now drawing for a French comic book company.
Re: Portland Comic Book Show - October
10th - Bendis, Mack,
Sep 01, 2004 11:36 pm
If you go, please stop by and say hello
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 1:54 am
Your welcome
I've heard that a lot of places are selling it for $15.
For anyone that wants the Maleev cover, it is still availabe for re-order. Place re-orders for it now, and anyone can order it in any quantitiy for
the regular price.
Sep 02, 2004 8:42 am
Glad you got it!
Stay safe.
Re: Portland Comic Book Show - October
10th - Bendis, Mack,
Sep 02, 2004 8:54 am
There is a good chance I will be doing a signing and talk at Harvard
January 30.
I'll keep the board updated.
Re: Oeming books- other than Powers
Sep 02, 2004 2:35 pm
In case you don't know Oeming also did some art in KABUKI: Masks of the Noh with Dave Johnson.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 12:13 pm
Andy Lee usually has a guitar with him.
You'll get a kick out of Dragon con. There is all kinds of stuff going
on 24 hrs a day.
It is also the "least clothed" and "most heavily armed" con.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 2:44 pm
I think you will like it
It sprawls out into two hotels and into the streets of downtown Atlanta.
Makes for great bizzare photo ops.
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 9:44 pm
Yeah, no problem
I don't think it says I'm in talks about it, but that I'm working on it at Fox.
That besides writing the treatment, I'm working as visual designer, creative consultant, and co-producer.
I've sold the option for film rights to Fox a couple times. And then worked for them as writer, producer, and so on since then. The Kabuki film is at Fox, and they've renewed the option for the last few years while we put it together.
It's been moving along ever since.
That's really all I'm allowed to discuss about it, (what capacity that I'm working for Fox) as Fox is supposed to do all the official announcements.
But lots of cool experience with it so far!
I'll be able to talk more about it soon, and I'll keep you updated
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 9:59 pm
That's classified
It is very cool to hear an actress auditioning and saying words that I wrote. Very bizzare and amazing. But I gots to keep that all on the DL
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 10:16 pm
Greg T wrote:
Hey David,
Are you going to be at Baltimore or Wizard World Texas?
Not Baltimore this year. But probably WIZ Texas
Re: i'm stunned (Kabuki: Circle of Blood)
Sep 02, 2004 10:18 pm
emeraldsundae wrote:
I have CoB in my backpack right now!
Hoping I can gt it signed at Dragon*Con by Mack himself.
*big puppy dog eyes*
Looking forward to it
I'll be happy to sign any books anyone brings or picks up at my table.
Please stop by my table and introduce yourself