I’ve always said that a cube has 8 sides. 6 surface sides, the inside, and the outside. You must look beyond the surface to appreciate the other dimensions. -- Kabuki: Metamorphosis #8
BP: Unfortunately there was also an announcement recently that Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack will be taking their respective titles (Powers and Kabuki) over to the new Marvel "Icon" imprint. What are your feelings on this move? How do you feel this will affect Image, if at all? And what are your feelings on Marvel's new imprint?
EL: Well, I'm not pleased by it, but life goes on. I haven't formed much on an opinion about this latest Marvel imprint. I hope it works out for everybody involved. I certainly don't wish any ill to Brian or David.
Release Schedule Update
Below are the David Mack-related projects featured in the May 2004 issue of Previews and Marvel catalogs, both of which will be on sale April 21:
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.