Home News April 2004
April 30: WizardUniverse.com Hot Topic of the Week & more
April 27: Second Tori Amos Painting Sold
April 21: Icon Imprint Details
April 20: July Release Dates & Akemi Song
April 17: Daredevil Wall Scroll at MarvelCatalog.com
April 16: Scarab action figure press release & promotional image
April 15: Length of Kabuki: The Alchemy increases & more
April 14: Rick Mays on Kill Bill comic book, Kabuki Sickle shipping date & more
April 12: Gai-Jeans shirt on sale April 14, Samurai Executioner Vol. 1 spotlighted & more
April 11: Rumor - Ultimate X-Men project
April 10: Alias Vol. 4 trade paperback review & Ruule #5 spotlighted
April 9: Kabuki and Powers moving to Marvel
April 8: 2003 Eisner nomination
April 6: Artwork for Danny Souder CD
April 5: Rumor - Kabuki moving to Marvel
April 4: New York convention photos
April 1: Fictitious and genuine David Mack interviews