 Home News April 2004 12th
Gai-Jeans Shirt on Sale April 14 |
The Gai-Jeans logo shirt (SM-XL: $17.95; XXL: $20.95) will be on sale Wednesday, April 14 according to DiamondComics.com. Also, David Mack noted: |
I recieved mine today. They look great. And fit great.
The logo on the real shirts is straight on. It is not tilted like the jpg image of the shirts.
Which is good cause that is how I drew it on a character in one of the new issues who happens to be wearing a Gai-Jeans shirt.
It looks very cool like it is a cool brand name of clothing. It cracks me up every time. |
Excerpt from Eric Larsen Interview |
Below is an excerpt from from Newsarama.com's interview with Image Comics Publisher Eric Larsen: |
Newsarama: Devil’s advocate and worst possible case scenario time - for some, unseen reason, the imprint crashes and burns. Do Powers and Kabuki still have a place at Image?
EL: Absolutely. |
Icon Imprint Logo |
Below is the Icon imprint logo according to HeroRealm.com: