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Previews Advertisement: · The issue, which was available via a mail-in order form on page 69 in Overstreet Fan #20, was promoted with a poster · The offer expired on February 22, 1997 and was limited to one copy per person
· The story appeared in the third printing of the Kabuki: Skin Deep trade paperback · Below are the contents of the issue:
Pages - Details
Inside front cover: Introduction by David Mack, who notes that the story bridges Kabuki: Masks of the Noh and Kabuki: Skin Deep Pages 1-8: Fan Edition story
Page 9: Advertisement for Kabuki: Skin Deep #3 that includes the cover for Kabuki: Masks of the Noh #4 Page 10-11: Interview with David Mack
Page 12: Advertisement for Overstreet's Fan Magazine
Inside back cover: David Mack back issue order form
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.