Previews Advertisements: April 1999
On sale June 16
David Mack/Joe Quesada/Jimmy Palmiotti
Introducing Echo, a new villain so unusual you'll swear you're hearing his name over and
over and over...! Matt Murdock gets slapped upside the head by Cupid as a new romantic
interest enters his still fragile life. But is this the lady of his dreams or a nightmare waiting to happen? Plus: Daredevil uncovers a deep dark secret that could finally destroy the
Kingpin! "Quesada's art is simply gorgeous. A classic in the making, and the best
mainstream comic around at the moment, bar none. Score: 10 (out of 10)." (Comics
International) Cover by Joe Quesada & Jimmy Palmiotti. [Previews Product Code: APR990889]
August 1999
cover by quesada, palmiotti & mack
david mack/joe quesada/jimmy palmiotti
Introducing Echo, a new villain so strange you'll swear you're hearing her name over and over and over and...! Matt Murdock gets slapped upside the head by Cupid as a new romantic interest enters his still shattered life. But is she the lady of his dreams or a nightmare waiting to happen? Plus: Daredevil uncovers a deep dark secret thatcould destroy the Kingpin! "Quesada's art is simply gorgeous. A classic in the making and the best mainstream comic around at the moment, bar none. Score: 10 (out of 10)" - Comics International (Marvel Memo: This is a resolicitation for DAREDEVIL #10. All previous orders are canceled.)
Notes: · The cover was created with Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti
· Images of David Mack and Brian Michael Bendis appeared on page 13
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.