I am invisible...untraceable...like tears in the rain...I am part of the storm. The quiet part. Quietly perfect. Perfectly quiet. No words. No sound. Just the wet whisper of spirits leaving bodies. -- Kabuki: Circle of Blood #5
#1: I'm told it is the same creative team from the reg ALIAS series :) RT @Hutchimus: @davidmackkabuki are you doing the covers for the mini?
#2: See you in Seattle next Sat & Sun! RT @GinandComTweets: @davidmackkabuki excited to see YOU at the ECCC
#3: Excited about getting together with some of my favorite Marvel friends at the Emerald City Con in Seattle...
#4: Fellow just walked into cafe that I'm at w 3 inches of snot dangling from each nostril. He declared that he needed a tissue. Gave my napkins
#5: He thanked me, loudly declared that he is "A mucous machine" and then walked out. #makingfriends
#6: I did all the covers. Mike Gaydos did the interior art. RT @2014mrvlwrkr: @davidmackkabuki your the 1 who drew alias right?
#7: Young/now pics RT @olganunes: I totally want to do this. RT
@JSCarroll: Young me/ Now me: http://bit.ly/aeLyPV #8:
@michealdarkALIAS Omnibus rocks
#9: ALIAS RT @BRIANMBENDIS oh & if you are not familiar with the dark, award winning adventures of jessica jones BUY ALIAS trades on sale now :)
#10: New ALIAS comic series :) RT @BRIANMBENDIS there will be another alias mini. joey q has demanded it!
#11: @mingdoyle Congrats! On your good day & your story in Girlcomics. Tell Comicopia that I say hello :)
#12: arthur RT @anjkan "..has becom real & you live it everyday.Other people can even share it with you." ~ @davidmackkabukihttp://bit.ly/10FzgK #13: RT @anjkan: @ChristyMathis The character, I'd aspire to be: "Akemi often presents her agenda as that of the artist & writer as activist ...
#14: Snapdragon. Where did you find this? RT @anjkan@davidmackkabuki Uh-oh, think I've just crossed over to Cosplay country http://bit.ly/bc1xQw #15: Volume 1 should ship next week... RT
@SeanJ0917: @davidmackkabuki is there a release date for the new printing of Circle of Blood?
warrenellis: I would kill for a jam doughnut. You. I would kill you for a jam doughnut.
#16: People are going to be sending u many donuts in the mail now... What's your policy on that? Will u eat food your readrs give u?
Warren Ellis: MY readers? Good god, no. Can you imagine what they'd put in it? OR RUB ON IT?
#17: Love. Of one sort or another...
#18: Shh! @BrianMBendis is sleeping. (He just e-mailed to tell me)
#19: Good morning, three dimensional material world
#20: Lovely via @olganunes RT @amandapalmer webcasting from the studio NOW mixing a version of radiohead's "no surprises" http://bit.ly/AFPstream #21: @olganunesAlan Spiegel is my book agent. So I see Kent, Thom & the gang at our events :) Doing a gallery show w/ Barron Storey this May!
#22: @Audreyalexis I recommend the newest Kabuki: The Alchemy as my favorite & the best example of my work in comics.
#23: Thank you :) glad you enjoyed RT @Audreyalexis Fell in love today with David Mack's graphic novel "Kabuki." Gorgeous http://bit.ly/cZ2JTO
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.