I am the Abominable Snowman’s new haircut. The sling of Pegasus’ strained wing. I am the dentures of the toothless Chupacabra. A Phoenix with a skin condition. -- Kabuki: The Alchemy #3
Below is the solicitation and Previews Product Codes for Kabuki: The Alchemy #6 ($2.99 - February 22), which was released via Marvel.com:
Written by DAVID MACK
Cover & Art by DAVID MACK
Variant Cover by MIKE MIGNOLA
Kabuki has a new life in the United States, but she’s visited by someone from her past. Is it a friend or foe? And what is the mysterious Akemi Network? It’s a new start for KABUKI as Akemi’s plans are revealed in the perfect jumping-on issue for new readers! You’ve heard about all the awards. You’ve heard everyone talking about why KABUKI is so amazing and mind-blowing. Now is the chance to see what all the talk is about!
32 pages / Mature
Previews Product Codes:
David Mack cover - DEC052061
Mike Mignola cover - DEC052062
Promotional artwork: #1, #2
Also, as noted by Mike Oeming, David Mack will appear in Ares #2 ($2.99 - February 8 - DEC051981) as a detective.
Pages from the Sketchbooks of David Mack & Fans
Today is the eighth of a ten-day look at the sketchbooks of David Mack (top row) and the School of Nagoya Communication Arts' manga class (bottom row), who Mr. Mack visited last month.
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.