Somewhere betwixt the heaven and hell of reality...
Deep within the purgatory of the psyche...
Lies the ultimate battle...
(The New and Improved Edition)
A novel written by Todd Shields, a resent escapee from the Ludlow Asylum for the Criminally Creative and baitshop (and the author of Cobalt Blues in G-FAN # 68)
On his website, Mr. Shields describes his work as a bizarre blend of Monty Pythonian satire, science fiction, samurai drama, spaghetti western and allegory, a psychological cold war in the guise of a post-apocalyptic fairy tale exploring the human condition.
The book includes cover art drawn by avant-garde comic book artist/writer David Mack, best known for his landmark KABUKI series and the DAREDEVIL story PARTS OF A HOLE for Marvel Comics. TARGET: AKAI itself is a manga without pictures, a surreal mixtures of philosophy and black comedy. Its Hayuo Miyazaki meets Alan Moore in SOUTH PARK.
In the year 2259, a decade after the fall of North America, Akai Hinode Devlin Arcadius, the Angel with the eyes of a demon, goes on a quest to rescue her foster sister, Princess Felicity, from Caligula, the perverse and infintile ruler of the Nasti Estabishment. Her only ally is Nimrod, an insane cyborg who not only wishes to kill Caligula, but Akai and Felicity as well.
To learn more about TARGET: AKAI, log on to The book sells for $19.95 and can be ordered online from or from BookSurge Publishinging at or by calling 1-866-308-6235 Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm.
And remember, insanity is only a state of mind...