1.2: What kind of comics did David Mack read when he was younger?
9/15/01, 2:02 p.m.
It's funny, your story reminds me of something with me and my brother and our comics.
When we were little (maybe I'm 10 & he's 8), we had a whole box of G.I.Joe comics that we collected, re-read religiously, and looked forward to every month. We just kept them in an open brown cardboard box sitting on the floor right by our bunk beds. I think in this story, he is on the top bunk and I am on the bottom.
So, it is the middle of the night, and I am ripped from sleep to hear this horrible retching sound and a sickening splatter. Even felt some splatter on me.
I turn on the light, and realize that he has gotten sick in is sleep and vomited over the side of the bunk beds directly on, and in, our box of treasured comics!
We were both totally disturbed by this (and he is obviously physically ill) and we immediatly went to work CLEANING off the comics! There was no way we were going to throw them away! We took them all out of the box of vomit soup and thouroughly and meticulously wiped down every disgusting page of each of the comics and set them out to dry.
We continiued to re-read each and every one for years afterward even though the covers and pages were stained, warped, and had dried in a strange crinkly fashion. In fact, I'd bet you he still has them at his house to this day!