David Mack Talks Current Projects |
From Facebook.com: |
Working on 3 things this weekend, new cover for Marvel, painting for a film-related project I cannot mention (but it will be revealed at Wondercon in SF with the cast of the film in attendance), & my art for Tara McPherson's Cotton Candy Machine Art Opening in Brooklyn (info here). |
WonderCon Table Number |
From David Mack: |
Who will be in San Francisco next Fri-Sun? I'll be at Wondercon, table [AA-162] right by Bill Sienkiewicz. Will I see you there? Let me know if you want me to bring something...
Artwork on Facebook, Painting Captain America & More |
From David Mack: |
Jamming on this collaborative painting for Visionaries & Voices (art studio for artists w autism, challenges) exhibit of it next month
Wlcm:) RT @lieumorrison Re-reading Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan after 14 yrs. Thanks David Mack, for giving me the earliest issues in 97
@olganunes :) btw, I like your new profile image. I guess I'll see you in San Francisco this week at Wondercon?
Has anyone seen my cobra?
#5: RT BRIANMBENDIS - i know i said i was retiring from cons but i will be teaching a writing class and doing a panel at @stumptowncomics in april.
Listening to commentary of The Hustler while painting a god of war
#7: RT WizardWorld - EISNER AWARD NOMINEE David Mack, Kabuki Creator & Daredevil Artist, Coming to Mid-Ohio Comic Con! fb.me/UAmZuZIt
@satinephoenix Will I see you at Wondercon again this year?
@cam_lilly I tend to draw for fun mostly in brush & ink
@DennisCalero nice :)
Aspergers RT @jdllizard Autistic boy 12 w higher IQ than Einstein develops his own theory of relativity bit.ly/gxuQu3 RT @GreatDismal
@NateCosBOOM Aw, Thanks! :)
@mollycrabapple Me too :) I'll put it up here when finished :) Hoping to be in town for the opening that night too! And MoCCA too if I can
Love it! Working on mine RT @mollycrabapple Finished my drawing for @taramcpherson's Cotton Candy Machine opening twitpic.com/4e0kqd
So much work to finish before WOndercon San Francisco next week.
@jaymewrites Oh thanks! I recommend KABUKI: The Alchemy as the best example of my work w most diverse array of art & storytelling approaches
Some drawings & pics here facebook.com
@jaymewrites Glad to hear that! Here's a more comprehensive site DavidMackGuide.com Which book did you start with? The Alchemy?
@rosariodawson Don't let this story disappear. Libyan woman struggles to tell media of her rape, dragged away screaming t.co/joUWS5i
#20: Rt @dasRupa - Don't let this story disappear. Libyan woman struggles to tell media of her rape, is dragged away screaming t.co/joUWS5i
Excellent! RT @reinedebatons just read David Mack's Kabuki. I haven't been this giddy about a graphic novel since Alan Moore's Promethea.
#22: RT rayfawkes - #FF great painters, live art compadres: @Templesmith @davidmackkabuki @DaveCrosland @JimMahfood @Helmetgirl @crazymorse @jasonshawnalex
Yes! At Wondercon in San Francisco! Table 162 right across from Bill Sienkiewicz @billsinn RT @RevancheGS will you be at wondercon?
@shinercomics @davidmackkabuki I like those cat drawings
#25: RT BRIANMBENDIS - FF @ChrisEliopoulos @Marvel @mikedeodato @Oeming @mattfraction @brubaker @kellysue @davidmackkabuki @JHickman @jengrunwald @THEHITCHFACTORY
Thanks, Donell! RT @DonellMorgan FF~@Diana_Knight @diablocody @Cudlitz @davidmackkabuki
@dorkland Thanks, I just saw it! I appreciate it and look forward to reading in detail! Sounds very well thought out so far
@chris_page Are you reading my Direct Msgs again?
You'll do it when you get here.
T-O-P-L-E-S-S RT @TerryMoore An awful lot of topless guys at this show. What's up w/ that?
When you clean your area before your next stage of work, you are really cleaning your head. #ClearingRoomForNewPerspective.
15 new brush & ink drawings from life link on the fb page facebook.com
#33: RT DOA3addict - @davidmackkabuki another casual Friday @ work = I get to sport the classic Kabuki dragon tattoo tee. Hope doing all the pushups isn't a prob
Haha nice RT @DOA3addict @davidmackkabuki ....can't type....properly.....just did push-ups....for 16 hours straight .... #pushups
Hope it is helpful, James :) RT @jameshartz I am dumbstruck by this great piece of advice! #pushups
Jimmy Wong has a song about love thehollywoodgossip.com
Wow, I am so blessed to have such amazing friends. Grateful for every interaction, call, email, gesture of goodwill from you awesome humans
OK, I think I just figured out how to do this Captain America cover.
Supa! RT @MTVGeek Very nice speaking with you as well! Coincidentally editing your interview right now! Tweet of the devil.
Akemi sighting in Powers courtesy @oeming DavidMackGuide.com
Auction Spotlight |
The Scarab action figure (autographed edition - SRP: $25.00) is available on eBay (Buy it Now: $11.95 - free shipping). |