David Mack Attending Miami Comic Con This Weekend |
If you live near Miami, Florida and would like to meet David Mack, he is scheduled to attend the Miami Comic Con (February 26-27) and will have copies of Kabuki: The Alchemy, Kabuki: Reflections, Kabuki back issues, prints, original artwork and much more for sale at his table (#808).
Also, according to convention's website, Mr. Mack will be on the following panel: |
Saturday, February 26
2:00 to 2:45 pm
The Cutting Edge with Bill Sienkiewicz, David Mack and J. David Spurlock
Innovators Bill Sienkiewicz, David Mack, and J. David Spurlock discuss the wilder side of comics art. (Room B) |
Days Missing: Kestus #4 Shipping Date |
According to DiamondComics.com, Days Missing: Kestus #4 (Diamond Comics Product Code: OCT100765 - SRP: $3.95) is tentatively scheduled to be on sale Wednesday, March 2 at a comic book store near you. |
PKD Essay, Upcoming Conventions, Interview & More |
From David Mack: |
It's the one I'm writing right now :) For Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep RT @LeTep Which essay is it?
This Philip K. Dick essay has a blackbelt in namedropping. Almost finished with it.
Lots of stuff in that one RT @iambenij Finally got hold of Dream Logic #3. Interesting to read about the different tools David Mack uses.
@KOTIC Kindest gratitude
@fleshvine Thank you
See you at ECCC & the Live Art Friday RT @rayfawkes I've done a very experimental book - it's out in July - I can show you a preview at ECCC
This essay I'm writing of Philip K. Dick is getting very very long. I'm cutting stuff and changing the order of some things.
I'll be @ San Diego Comicon as well as WonderCon RT @eushiro Aloha David. SF? a possibility. Will you go to SDCC? Maybe see you there?
Yes :) but that's a good 1 RT @RomanColombo roommate & I immediately thought of Dream Logic, but I take it you're looking for something else
#10: RT tfquirk - @davidmackkabuki mine? (shameless self promotion?) breathlessikarus.com.au On hold at moment, will continue next month
@neilhimself That's a winner
@BRIANMBENDIS It's an instant classic, isn't it? Great Bill Murray interview. |