Source of Inspiration for New Creator-Owned Project |
From David Mack: |
Just had epic epiphany of what our (BMB & I) next creator-owned collaboration book should be! Idea came from drawings I did earlier this week at Visionaries & Voices! (art studio for artists with disabilities, autism, etc) those drawings were so fun & inspired from the unconscious... they stuck in my mind & became center idea piece for style & theme of this new book :) |
Red Cross, PKD Essay, Future Scarlet Cover & More |
From David Mack: |
#1: via @BJLG RT @emeraldcitycon RIP Dwayne McDuffie, we will be holding a memorial panel at 7pm on Saturday Room 4C1-2. bit.ly/ecccon
#2: via @brubaker RT @edgarwright Help the people of Christchurch, New Zealand at redcross.org.nz/donate and please retweet.
#3: @cliffchiang happy birthday!
#4: Working on a new draft of this PKD/Bladerunner/Electric Sheep/ Electric Ant/ Back Matter essay for Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep...
#5: That's not the project we were talking about... but intriguing idea. I am doing a new Scarlet cover RT @demonbear247 kabuki-scarlet x-over?
#6: Just got off the phone with @brianmbendis on a great talk about the new idea... We're in the zone on it!
#7: Hmmm... I wish- nothing I can reveal yet :) RT @elizafrye care to tease us with some details?
#8: Just had epic epiphany of what our next creator-owned collaboration book should be! Idea came from drawings I did w autistic kids this week
#9: @AllredMD Noticed I still have some photos of our New Years celebration (& epic pool game) that I haven't shown yet. Will put on my FB asap
#10: @AllredMD The best thing in the world is doing what u love to do... with the people that u love... doing it with u (or at least in same room
#11: @AllredMD Haha! Yes indeed! Love being in that zone. Nothing takes the place of the natural high. Alpha waves in full effect.
#12: @AllredMD Great to get 1 book finished to focus on the next. I have to get the Reflections Art Book TPB to the printer... after these covers
#13: @AllredMD All of that sounds fantasticalicious!
#14: @AllredMD Mike... I'm going to try that with you in person. How is the book going?
#15: Listening to Thom Yorke & Radio Head while writing about Philip K. Dick
#16: @davey619 Other creator-owned projects in the works :) Glad you liked KABUKI: The Alchemy
#17: @mo_jo_shri Let me know what you think of it
#18: @tinabrieste thank you
#19: Some pics of making some other cards from that tarot set mysp.ac/hRzf5c
#20: From my tarot card paintings: the Justice card. RT @csicard Photo: thescales: tumblr.com/xk01kqwg76
#21: My personal Face book pg is full. Go to this pg. Lots of pics/art/updates Facebook
#22: Alpha Waves RT @ZFunktopus Going to read one of the Kabuki books by David Mack. Metamorphosis. They're always a good mental pick me up.
#23: @SeanJ0917 See you then :)
#24: Happy Birthday, Chuck Palahniuk! @chuckpalahniuk
#25: Me & Bobby McGee
#26: RT junkyardmessiah - Oh! Nice pic! RT
@TooMuchFire: Got to see the remaining Banksy art in Westwood and Beverly Hills today... twitpic.com/423uuu
#27: @ScottAllie Maybe after I read this...
#28: Yes! & Reflections Art Book Hardcover! RT @SeanJ0917 will you have any hard cover copies of Kabuki Vol. 1 at C2E2?
#29: Miami this Sat & Sun, Seattle the following week :)
#30: RT badfaery - @R0AMY RT @MollyMcIsaac Liveart @ #ECCC! @Templesmith @helmetgirl @lartist @jimmahfood @rayfawkes @davidmackkabuki tinyurl.com/4mxc7lm
#31: RT Mika_Tan - Sporting my @DavidMackKabuki T-shirt, enjoying a biggest @DunkinDonuts' coffee EVAH! plixi.com/p/78645731
#32: @Mika_Tan Mika, I love it! Thanks!
#33: I love it when people send me pics of their "Artistic License" (ala The Alchemy). This one from Portugal: bit.ly/egrsu9
#34: Glad to hear that, & thanks for the Yoga class :) RT @mo_jo_shri I'm #reading Kabuki Vol 7 by David Mack bit.ly/eIvESg
#35: Just did a super 2 hr Yoga class inside the sunshine filled art gallery. Invigorated & ready for Project Mayhem.
#36: Memories... RT @mrmarkmillar @davidmackkabuki All three of us are still banned from at least two major cities in Australia & New Zealand :)
#37: @tinabrieste Have to let the publisher show it first, but then I'll post pics of the making process
#38: I'd love to! Must return... RT @djlukeleal @mrmarkmillar @davidmackkabuki Drop over now! It's still summer :-)
#39: @mrmarkmillar If Batman really wanted to be scary, he'd grow a big furry mustache like that guy had. Sweaty Bat-cowl + massive stach = fear
#40: @mrmarkmillar Do you remember that guy in the batman mask who took it off, it was dripping in sweat, & tried to put it on Quitely's head? |
Auction Spotlight - Original Artwork |
The original cover for Swamp Thing #14 is available on eBay (Buy it Now: $5,200 or best offer). |