David Mack Mentioned in Mike Parobeck Article |
From ComicBookResources.com: |
In regard to who he was taking influence from during this period in his career, the line art of Jaime Hernandez became an undeniable influence in all of his DC work. From Alex Toth, he learned the importance of economizing and simplicity, never over-rendering his figures or designs. During his lifetime, he could count fellow artists like Kelley Jones, Brian Stelfreeze, Matt Wagner, Alex Ross and George Pratt, as fans of his work. Mike even took the time to help other young artists -- including an up and coming illustrator named David Mack, with whom he would correspond with, offering letters of advice and encouragement. |
David Mack Attending C2E2 |
Thanks to David Mack for reporting that he is scheduled to attend C2E2, which will be held on March 18-20 in Chicago, Illinois. |
Thomas More College, 8x10 Photo Request & More |
From David Mack: |
#1: :
The talk at Thomas More College went great. Now to go to Visionaries & Voices (art studio for artists w autism, etc) & make collaborations!
Check davidmackguide.com by David Thornton (updated daily) better site RT
@Eleigh_K Official David Mack Website - davidmack.net
#3: ThomasMoreNews - Bring your lunch and have an afternoon with comic book writer and author David Mack. The event starts at noon and... fb.me/CcCyrRM7
Think this painting is just about finished. Have to wake up in morning to speak at Thomas More College.
@tinabrieste that's @brianmbendis being modest- he is hilarious-I laugh all night hanging out w him while working. He says craziest stuff
@JennieGyllblad Great page with the ribbon, love the contrast of each side! Continued blessings @jamesreekie #7:
Painting while listening to The Wire commentary by Richard Price
Glad U like! Wrote/drew that story on Bendis' couch :) RT @rayfawkes Picked up my copy of Dream Logic #3 today. Great stuff. Very inspiring.
@fareldalrymple Right back at you! And thanks :) Also that new tumbler drawing was fantastic too!
@dasRupa I assure you I did not have an 8X10 of that
@olganunes @dasRupa You two... both of you made me smile with thos. Ok, yeah, I did send the bathtub photo #noididnt
@dasRupa Haha! No.
@BRIANMBENDIS You're hilarious
@fareldalrymple Farel, I love this! Great work... as always!
@masuimimax At first I read that as some of your ACTIONS are ending in 20. Also you win prize for most colorful direct msg ever
@Brandon_Whaley That DD story was a blast!
@mollycrabapple Anytime! And everytime! More shout-outs in next issue, I'm sure :)
@olganunes Olga! What is that supposed to mean? #19:
EPIC! Really feelin this one RT @dasRupa Photo: in & out-topus tumblr.com/xlt1hxzquo
@dasRupa OK, 2 1/2
@dasRupa You are two octopuses tall!
Here are 115 of them on.fb.me/i30eEX RT @Eleigh_K any photos?
#23: RT DesmoidSurvivor - @davidmackkabuki I went to the PAC Gallery today. The exhibit is brilliant and made my day. My Kabuki figure also made my day :D
#24: RT pseudicide - @davidmackkabuki i haven't made my LCS yet this week and i want my copy of dream logic! Damn being busy!!
A very charming/talented actress on hit TV show, asked me to send her a signed 8X10 photo of me. Never been asked that before.
#26: RT Darediva - @davidmackkabuki Thurs nite at art show: @bluecanarykit was showing her altered books to some rave reviews. I told her: think David Mack. :)
@CorLeonis8 :)
#28: RT andrea_ball - David Mack at ECCC? #cannotcontainexcitement RT: @davidmackkabuki: Got my travel plans for Emerald City Comicon in Seattle in early March!
Love it, Gotham RT @gothamchopra Wrong of me to want to say "do u know who I am?" to hare krishna's trying to hand me copy of bhagavad Gita?
@mollycrabapple Dream Logic #3 this week includes several drawings I did at VIP NY Dr. Sketchy's you were kind to invite me to :) & shoutout
My personal Facebook page is full but you can join this official pg w updates facebook.com
@popgunchaos It was included here too DavidMackGuide.com
Happy to discuss Alchemy of Art film RT @robocreep Hopefully
@unseenfilms will have watched Alchemy Of Art DVD -love to talk to u about it!
@Girvan0 It would be great to do a Live Art in Seattle... hmm...
@jjohnston1986 Aw! That's kind of you :)
Check out this retro on him. t.co/7bXRGTZ I still have all the letters he wrote to me, complete with drawings & storytelling advice
Mike Parobeck was a huge storytelling advisor to me as a kid RT @nerdsinbabeland MIKE PAROBECK: Comic Book Resources t.co/7bXRGTZ
@bclaymoore @steveniles I'm not getting the link for this. But want to see as Mike Parobeck was a mentor to me when I was 16
Got my travel plans for Emerald City Comicon in Seattle in early March! Talking to Prof. Bendis university writing class the day before!
@fadedreq The gallery was filming. I'll send you a link of it as soon as I have one- the nature of panel choice, size, media, composition
@fadedreq Just did a gallery talk (in which all of The Alchemy original art is exhibited) & discussed so many visual-to-story considerations
@fadedreq I could go on w details about The Alchemy as a playground for storytelling ideas. Let me know if there are any specific interests
Maybe how style/design/media change to reflect story RT @fadedreq currently teaching Alchemy in my Sequential Art class, any suggestions?
@JanArrah I prefer the term re-education
@andthesewalls Maybe next time :) Please give Forbidden Planet my thanks for having my books available
btw, good Coast to Coast am right now (forbidden archeology, technology of the ancients, etc) its good for you
Oh cool, Ian Punnett gave my Dream Logic gallery exhibit a shout out on Coast to Coast Am radio - Thanks, Ian!
Painting this cover while listening to commentaries of The Wire. Superb commentary. Cover's coming along too...
@popgunchaos I very much enjoyed the article. Thank you! I put it on my FB & this page facebook.com |
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