Justice League of America #56 Solicitation |
From DCComics.com: |
Art and cover by BRETT BOOTH and NORM RAPMUND
1:10 Variant cover by DAVID MACK
"The Rise of Eclipso" continues as the JLA and the villainous lord of darkness have a showdown on the dark side of the moon! Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale APRIL 20
32 pages
Full Color
$2.99 US
PAC Gallery Photos, Glass in Finger & More |
From David Mack: |
Pics of opening night of DREAM LOGIC Exhibit (Photos by Matthew Swift) on.fb.me/hRB7yp
Daniel Johnston turned 50 (Hppy BDay). Starting comic book. kck.st/dWTHvg "Infinite Comic Book of Musical Greatness"
Barron called to invite me to speak @ The California College of Arts in San Francisco (auditorium open 2 public) April 4 Mon after Wondercon
Oh yeah... the reason I was taking glass out of my finger while talking to Barron Storey on the phone is...
RT JMSchichtel Check out fav.me/d37wflb on #deviantart commissioned work of Scarab from David Mack's Kabuki
#6: RT PeteRogers - The PeteRogers Daily is out! bit.ly/ev4xlV - Top stories today by
@davidmackkabuki @briankeene
@BRIANMBENDIS Pics w Shepard Fairey at his CAC exhibit bit.ly/g1PLTL note the comment at the bottom about the photo we are in...
4pg preview of sequences from Dream Logic #3 (ships in week) Clik to make them larger DavidMackGuide.com
Did an interview at the gallery this afternoon. There are about 450 individual pieces of my work in the exhibit. Took some pics to post.
Cover to Dream Logic #4 offered from Marvel. Order now from ur retailer (Can still order Dream Logic #3 ships next week bit.ly/fhL0l6
I told Barron that our phone conversation was the perfect soundtrack to my finger surgery.
People of New Olreans... I will be coming to you this Saturday & Sunday at Wizard World
Oh yeah... while I work on this Mad Man piece for Mike Allred...
Coast to Coast AM radio show tonight- having an email back and forth with the host Ian Punnett during his live interviews... awesome
Watched the film Un Prophete. Bravo. & while all of the dialogue was in languages other than English, powerful use of American music/lyrics.
@takisoma @oeming haha- you both are fantastic :) your back & forth about this gave me a smile
Just dug piece of glass out of my finger (from hanging work at gallery this week) while talking to Barron Storey on the phone. Made him laff
#18: RT takisoma - Uh, 2 yrs ago. Love u! "@Oeming: @takisoma and I were married 3 years ago today by @davidmackkabuki at @GroundKontrol! Happy Ann. baby!"
#19: RT Jolizith - Check out
@davidmackkabuki's work at PAC while it's up. It's mind twisting!
Thnx: Fab Chuck Palahniuk intro RT @Audreyalexis Just picked up The Alchemy. It's gorgeous. Love the intro too, Chuck's a fantastic writer.
@dEnny_UK no worries, Denny... it will be up thru Feb 26 & we may have a closing reception or a discussion/Q&A in between.
@Darediva Thanks- you will probably see some pics of it on davidmackguide.com
@Darediva It's a fantastic brush holder! Has so much personality
Last reminder for the opening reception tonight- so much work included in the space Facebook.com
PAC Gallery wants me to mention that there is FREE Valet Parking from 6-9 tonight at my exhibit.... opening reception TONIGHT
#26: RT JahFurry -
@JUXTAPOZmag debuts the @SUCKLORD Opening Brouhaha recap vid by @shahriar_shadab - Closing Party Sunday 3pm-6pm
@Darediva (in that pic) That's the brush holder that you gave me from Japan- I use it for my brushes whenever I paint! lnkd.in/w_JP3w