 Home News November 2010 15th
Photos of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School Sketches |
David Mack posted a second batch of photos of his one to four-minute brush and ink sketches from a Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School meeting on October 23.
Daredevil: End of Days, Time Travel & More |
From David Mack: |
#1: RT nytimes: A Conversation With Jane Goodall: 50 Years of Chimpanzees http://nyti.ms/amkADq
#2: RT RichardMetzger Preview video for new Aphex Twin LP http://t.co/ZkYbiRD via @dangermindsblog
@olganunes Funny you said that, I just emailed Allen right before I saw this. Great to see you at Barron Storey's Bday party :)
RT olganunes @scottzoback Also how do you and I follow all the same people? / @davidmackkabuki / SMALL WORLD. I LOVE IT. #allenspiegelconnectorofworlds
Aw! Thanks, Scott! How are you? @scottzoback RT @dasRupa That's...adorable.
New images from VIP NY Dr. Sketchy's 1-4 min Drawings (part 2) http://on.fb.me/cC6zKd Thanks @mollycrabapple
@dasRupa word.
@kellysue I saw a band last night, and the lead singer reminded me of you
#9: RT neilhimself If you haven't watched @olganunes' kickstarter video for Lamp at http://bit.ly/cQvYJq you really should. All the way to the end.
Yay- Thank you. Which volume? RT @Slydecker Just finished reading David Mack's epic graphic novel Kabuki. Wow...
#11: RT manwithoutfear: RT
@ivanaldrigo I'm selling this original page from Daredevil # 11 by Quesada & Palmiotti. DM if interested: http://twitpic.com/36v3a4
#12: RT njv2442: @davidmackkabuki There is nothing not amazing sounding about that. I am Jack's flying backspin.
This place is like fight club but breakdancing
@multiversitycom Yeah, a Daredevil project with Bendis, Sienkiewicz, Jansen, & Maleev. Fun story!
#15: RT dasRupa: @warrenellis anoctopusaday.tumblr.com
@Brad_Duncan Thanks :) Great to see you in Columbus at the convention
@olganunes Congrats, Olga! Sounds and looks great :)
#18: RT neilhimself: RT check her out! Amazing music... @olganunes: It's called LAMP, and you can find out all about it here: http://olganunes.com/lamp
#19: RT OfficialMercy #FF
@davidmackkabuki as he designed the @blacknazarene EP cover.(It should be on itunes soon. Just waiting to hear from distributors)
#20: RT MsNativeQueen: Follow>> RT
@latexrecords: #FF
Time travel projects interview on Coast to Coast AM radio tonight. If you want to hear some first person teleportation/time travel stories.
RT smosier This Saturday! My boy @JimMahfood has an art show! Facebook.com Be there!
Comic book shops selling KABUKI Vol. 1 HARDCOVER (& Limited Edtion w drawing) online. DavidMackGuide.com
Just going to enjoy the great Sienkiewicz/Janson art in my email for a bit RT @The1JayMatthews any date for the upcoming Daredevil stuff?
@TFixx Really!
@njv2442 It's moving!
@davepress Yay! Good to see you at the MTV Live Art Party in NY |