Showtime has launched a new season of its webisode series, Dexter Early Cuts [Dark Echo]. These animated eps are illustrated by some well-known names in comics, including Bill Sienkiewicz and David Mack. Michael C. Hall narrates.
Would you like to see a link to a lot of my drawings from the VIP NY Dr. Sketchy's? Mostly 1-2 min. drawings.
@autumn_antal u can send to or via But I'll search here in case it came in but didn't get to me yet!
@tperranmitchell Yeah, just send me a msg on my Facebook page.
@autumn_antal Can you email it or send a link on my facebook? I'd love to hear it! I don't remember the CD in the mail...
#5: RT dasRupa: 3D Projection on a building in Russia - beautiful. #6:
@masuimimax OK :) Thanks for the info- I just wanted to make sure you knew you were sending that public instead of direct msg :) sending now
It was like a sequence from Waking Life. Coffee-walking-cab- dinner- all set to high energy art discussion... work philosophy...
Had such a great meet up/sushi dinner with Bill Sienkiewicz in Manhattan. Non stop Alpha Waves conversation about ideas & work approach.
#9: RT Brad_Duncan almost time for
@midohiocon. can't wait to meet @katiecandraw, @jeremybastian and @mouseguard; and chatting with @davidmackkabuki again.
Sale prices of Kabuki collections from comic stores online: if someone is missing a volume
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.