Don’t sacrifice your dreams for the illusion of security. There is no security. Realize there is no security and become comfortable with that. It will free you up to do what you really need to do. -- Kabuki: The Alchemy #4
HARDCOVER of Daredevil: ECHO has extras of sketches, early drawings, page stages, paintings RT
@starboy23 Ooh, what's the extra material?
For all who asked.. I'm drawing animated episodes of Dexter for Showtime w Bill Sienkiewicz. More info on my facebook@smokinjonesy@JoeMulv #3:
Daredevil: ECHO-VIsionQuest HARDCOVER in stores today! with extra material. #4:
Hard at work on this new episode of Dexter.
#5: crazymorse My friends, there's a sense of tranquility when you're writing and you hit that bit of truth, truth to your characters, plot, and audience.
@Ravengregory Haha! Writing that story for SE7EN as a kind of prequel for the film was a delight. And came very naturally. :)
A big thanks to @ScottAllie of Dark Horse for recommending me for this Dexter project with Showtime.
Very cool! Thanks for showing this RT @kmellon Kevin Mellon:
@davidmackkabuki Kabuki sketch
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.