 Home News August 2010 2nd
Solicitation for The Coffin: 10th Anniversary Hardcover |
Below is the solicitation for The Coffin: 10th Anniversary hardcover, which will feature artwork by David Mack in the pin-up section: |
The Coffin: 10th Anniversary Edition Hardcover
Phil Hester (w) • Mike Huddleston (a & c)
The legendary cult classic returns to print in this deluxe hardcover tenth anniversary edition. Dr. Ashar Ahmad is a brilliant but heartless scientist intent on proving the physical existence of the soul, going as far as to create an impenetrable cybernetic skin that will trap the human soul after the body within has died—a walking coffin. Only when a dying Ahmad is encased in one of his prototypes does he realize the value of the life he has wasted. A desperate race to reclaim his technology from an evil corporate overlord, and save the life of the daughter he once disavowed, force him to become the man he never was in life. An amazing combination of science fiction, horror, and spiritual awakening, The Coffin is one of the classics of independent comics. 7.25" x 10.8"
Full Cover
SRP: $21.99
136 Pages
Release Date: October 6, 2010
Submitted pin-ups:
San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Photos |
David Mack recently posted several photos from San Diego Comic-Con to Facebook.com.
Iron Man II Sketch Card Photo |
Snoopy351 posted a photo of an Iron Man II sketch card by David Mack.
Cons, Sketches, Previews & More
From David Mack: |
Have turned sweeping the studio into a full body exercise regime. #infomercial
@actordougjones Aww! Funny noises? Of course! But only if you make funny faces... Deal?
:) RT @BRIANMBENDIS: If I made mashups they would sound just like girltalk #sternonvacation
Words to get thru hell by RT @Templesmith: "If you are going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill #6:
Was emailing this vid earlier. I dig it. RT @anamanaguchi: So, Ratatat made an amazing music video http://bit.ly/dD3FUq via @jahfurry
something I wrote for Print Magazine about Comics as Graphic design http://tinyurl.com/27xuosf http://icio.us/yo1l1j
@darby3 Think of it as a healing massage :) http://tinyurl.com/27xuosf http://icio.us/yo1l1j
RT @darby3: Feeling sucker-punched by what I see of David Mack's watercolor/collage-y comics work. http://tinyurl.com/27xuosf http://icio.us/yo1l1j
:) RT @mika_tan: @TwiceR Been overworking since college. Currently re-reading @davidmackkabuki's comicbooks-beautiful art & great stories
RT @manwithoutfear: DD facts you may not know #76: Klaus Janson was, at times, the penciler, inker and colorist on DAREDEVIL.
Magical RT @Oeming: @davidmackkabuki the third Kabuki sketch- and Scarlet if it was missed- http://bit.ly/9vv2Sw
Who is going to the Wizard World CHICAGO convention August 19-22?I'll be there w art, books, t-shirts, prints, THE SHY CREATURES, more!
Welcome :) RT @campinglass9: David Mack's Dream Logic has reached Germany! Thank u @davidmackkabuki
RT @regazza_di_lupo: @DavidMackKabuki filling out that tumblr meme, and chose Kabuki as my favorite "superhero". because she's cooler than batman
@actordougjones There's love! Hope you are doing super! Missed seeing you at Comicon. Maybe at Chicago or Mid Ohio?
Mike Oeming's Kabuki sketches RT
@Oeming: try this for Kabuki sketches- http://bit.ly/aZD4Fe
@Oeming Thanks! I'll post the good link to your Kabuki drawings then. I was just writing the blurb to your new God Complex trade.
Fantastic RT @Oeming: @davidmackkabuki some loose Kabuki sketches! http://bit.ly/cqrio
Congratulations to @JoeQuesada to 10 years as EIC at Marvel Comics!
RT @robocreep: @davidmackkabuki U might enjoy reading review of ur buddy Thomas Jane in Stander Unseen Films
Glad U like RT @daveashton: Just read "Wake up". The first Bendis Daredevil storyline w amazing art by David Mack. Really incredible comics.
) RT @TheSamWatson: I saw your work at the SEU art gallery two years ago & it totally changed how I looked at the graphicnovel medium.Thanks
Ooooh! RT @Oeming: did a few Kabuki sketches today! Will post after I swoop up some colors on them
Thanx RT @katalyze: what are you listening to that prompted you to say that?? Your comics move ppl in the same way, I think. esp Meta for me
Was listening to the DB Cooper story on Coast to Coast am radio & just heard Ian Punnett plug THE SHY CREATURES & my name! Nice surprise!
Was listening to the Beatles when I wrote that. Oh, to do a comic book level of The White album RT @satinephoenix: Whatchya groovin to now?
I love the idea that music can have a narrative but not be constricted by it & let the feeling be most important. Comics can do this too.
Man, I really love music. Sometimes I try to do w my art & books what music does for me.
By the way, if you haven't seen the new Hardcover of Barron Storey's Marate/Sade Journals, do yourself a favor & check it out. Amazing work
James O'Barr asked me to write a blurb for his new edition of the Crow. Catching up on blurbs this weekend :)
Some Mack here RT: @printmag comic book artists as graphic designers: Denis Kitchen, James Sturm, Peter Kuper & others http://bit.ly/aZNHG2
Jeff, great to talk w you in SD RT @jahfurry via
@Robot6 Take a look at color pages from Paul Pope's Battling Boy http://bit.ly/arEN6j
Mika, @mika_tan some pics of you here! http://bit.ly/crbsoo &
@mia_matsumiya @james_gunn
@joequesada @animehot
@palmiotti @JhonenV @dasrupa
@AnimeHot Aki, Some pics of you at Comicon w your Kabuki & Akemi hats here http://bit.ly/crbsoo
RT @AnimeHot: finally got my mom to open and read a comic book...thank you David Mack! The first thing she says..."oh my god, the artwork is gorgeous."
Project: FIRE RT @BRIANMBENDIS: RT @mtvsplashpage RT @rickmarshall: Zac Efron shows @BrianMBendis some love: http://bit.ly/clXb51
Nice! inception chart RT @BJLG: Have you seen this?
@dasrupa @davidmackkabuki http://bit.ly/b5Qx17
RT @henryjenkins: The final installment in my David Mack essay deals with Artist Books and Comic Books. http://bit.ly/dC22jm
5 pg preview ELECTRIC ANT 5 & sweet Paul Pope cover RT @Superpouvoir: COMICS: Marvel Comics Previews - ELECTRIC ANT #5 http://bit.ly/ccyYNd
http://bit.ly/crbsooRT @jengrunwald: In case you didn't see, the cool bday gift I got from Bendis board peeps: http://tinyurl.com/38nq3rg
@jpalmiotti Mi Picasa, su picasa... Yeah, feel welcome to re-distrib the pics. Had a great time- it was a magical night http://bit.ly/crbsoo
LOTS of San Diego pics http://bit.ly/crbsoo Kabuki statue, Tom Jane Syfy/EW party, Jon Muth's BDay party, Marvel Party @JPalmiotti @kentWms
I hope so! RT @Kalogerakos: @davidmackkabuki is there going to be a live art event at NYCC (like at C2E2)?