A rational person will not expect the world to conform around their ideas. They understand that they must conform to the conventions of the rational world. Therefore, all important breakthroughs are made by irrational people.
* Dates Subject to Change *
Kabuki - The Alchemy Hardcover & Trade Paperback: ON SALE
Daredevil - Parts of a Hole Premiere HC: ON SALE
Kabuki - Reflections: Volume 1 Hardcover (regular & limited edition): ON SALE
Daredevil - Echo: Vision Quest Premiere Edition Hardcover: ON SALE
Kabuki - Volume 1: Circle of Blood Hardcover (Regular & Limited Editions): ON SALE
Se7en French Edition Blu-ray: ON SALE
Electric Ant Hardcover: ON SALE
Green Arrow #8: ON SALE
Dream Logic #3: ON SALE
Days Missing - Kestus #4: ON SALE
5 Ronin #4: ON SALE
Justice League of America #56: April 20

Boston Comic Con
April 30 - May 1, 2011
Boston, Massachusetts

Houston Comicpalooza
May 27-29, 2011
Houston, Texas


Home News July 2010 28th

Order Kabuki: Reflections - Volume 1 Hardcover

Kabuki: The Alchemy
Collection - Now Available!

Third Part of David Mack-Related Speech
University of Oregon Professor Henry Jenkins posted the third part of his keynote speech from the Understanding Superheroes conference in 2009.

Bendis & Mack Mentioned at Examiner
From Examiner.com:
At the panel on Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way, writers and artists recount their stories of how they got their foot in the industry. Some, like artist Skottie Young, got into it by chance. He was using his friend's booth at a convention and got scouted by C.B. Celbuski. Humberto Ramos did the traditional portfolio review and just kept improving his skills. Of course, the award for perseverance goes to Brian Michael Bendis who tried to get published for 10 years. Eventually, Joe Q gave him an opportunity based on David Mack's recommendation.

Reflections Trade Paperback Previews Product Code
According to DiamondComics.com, the Previews product code for the Kabuki: Reflections - Volume 1 trade paperback is AUG100664.

Meeting China Mieville, SDCC 2010 Parties & More
From David Mack:
#1: Well done, Ming- Great to talk w you at Comicon RT @mingdoyle: My Batman for @projectrooftop's Invitational: http://bit.ly/cSoY0p
#2: RT @pulphope: RT @popbombdenis Howard Stern wore 1 of your DKNY sweatshirts yesterday, made a big deal about his producer's reaction : http://bit.ly/c3vTMs
#3: His essay on my Daredevil arcs RT @henryjenkins: Abstracting the Superhero -- Part Three of "Man Without Fear" series http://bit.ly/d56Qhe
#4: Monday in San Diego- a delightful interview w Professor Henry Jenkins @henryjenkins (USC & MIT Provost Prof. Cinematic Art, Journalism)
#5: I was told $500 PLUS! RT @a_stoddard: Do you know how much your painted etnies went for at the @CBLDF auction?
#6: China is @dasrupa's fave writer. Was a highlight for her to invite him to join us & see them have such a long talk @ the Graphitti party
#7: And she @dasrupa reminds me that if I get a call on my cell & I don't recognize it- I should answer it anyway as its probably Thomas Jane :)
#8: She @dasrupa introduced Jhonen Vasquez @johnenV and I as well. She's like a connector & a Maven in the Malcolm Gladwell sense of the words
#9: In China's case, it was completely @dasrupa that introduced us. RT @SparkleAndDoom: China Mieville has an amazing imagination. Your'e lucky
#10: Comicon photos with @brianmbendis & @mia_matsumiya http://bit.ly/9itS1O
#11: Met up w Bill Sienkiewicz & Frank Miller outside the party. Great catch up w Bill S. -Shannon Wheeler, Dave Gibbons, Bradstreet, Palmiotti

Release Date Anniversary
Powers - Volume 6: The Sellouts trade paperback debuted six years ago.

Auction Spotlight
The first Kabuki action figure (SRP: $11.95) is available on eBay ($3.00 - Buy It Now $10.00).

Order Kabuki: Reflections -
Volume 1 Hardcover Today!

April 11: Webmaster's note

April 7: David Mack attending New York's MoCCA this weekend, MoCCA pre-party, thoughts on two films & more

April 6: Photo of upcoming Dream Logic shirt, David Mack and Tony Solomun art jam zine, David Mack plugged in Qatar newspaper & more

Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.