When I return from Idea Space... I bring the ideas back with me.
-- Kabuki: The Alchemy #6
* Dates Subject to Change *
Kabuki - The Alchemy Hardcover & Trade Paperback: ON SALE
Daredevil - Parts of a Hole Premiere HC: ON SALE
Kabuki - Reflections: Volume 1 Hardcover (regular & limited edition): ON SALE
Daredevil - Echo: Vision Quest Premiere Edition Hardcover: ON SALE
Kabuki - Volume 1: Circle of Blood Hardcover (Regular & Limited Editions): ON SALE
Se7en French Edition Blu-ray: ON SALE
Electric Ant Hardcover: ON SALE
Green Arrow #8: ON SALE
Dream Logic #3: ON SALE
Days Missing - Kestus #4: ON SALE
5 Ronin #4: ON SALE
Justice League of America #56: April 20

Boston Comic Con
April 30 - May 1, 2011
Boston, Massachusetts

Houston Comicpalooza
May 27-29, 2011
Houston, Texas


Home News July 2010 26th

Order Kabuki: Reflections - Volume 1 Hardcover

Kabuki: The Alchemy
Collection - Now Available!

Back of Kabuki 1/4 Scale Statue
The_Beast posted a photo of the back of the upcoming Kabuki 1/4 scale statue.

David Mack Cover on Days Missing: Kestus #4
From Roddenberry.com:
At today’s Archaia: Black Label panel at San Diego Comic- Con, Archaia Entertainment and Roddenberry Productions proudly announced the all-star line-up of cover artists for the second volume of the critically-acclaimed comic book series Days Missing.

A different artist will illustrate each of the five upcoming covers of Days Missing: Kestus. As previously announced, Alex Ross (Kingdom Come, Astro City) will be creating the cover for issue #1. Jorge Molina (Marvel Superhero Team-Up, What If Spiderman: House of M) will design the cover of issue #2, and Ryan Benjamin (Grifter/Midnighter, New Mutants) will lend his talents to the cover of issue #3. David Mack (Daredevil, Atomika) has signed on to draw issue #4's cover, and Dale Keown (The Darkness, Pitt), who illustrated all of the covers for Days Missing volume 1, will return to illustrate the cover to issue #5.

David Mack-Related Keynote Conference Speech
University of Oregon Professor Henry Jenkins posted the first and second part of his keynote speech from the Understanding Superheroes conference in 2009.

SDCC 2010 Photo & Convention Sketch
Hello Zannah (left) posted a photo of herself with David Mack and Narilka added a picture of convention sketch (right).

SDCC 2010 Parties, Thoughts & More
From David Mack:
#1: Yes RT @KentWms: Just wrapped up San Diego Con with a nice dinner and enjoyable nightcap with @davidmackkabuki @dasRupa and @DaveMcKean
#2: Comicon pic RT @satinephoenix: @davidmackkabuki http://tweetphoto.com/34967805
#3: Pics from our adventures last night w Tom Jane, Palmiotti, Bradstreet, Ron Pearlman, Quesada at Syfy EW party... & Comicon coming soon.
#4: Learned that Tom Jane can get all of us into any party at any time. We all had to walk the red carpet with him to get in the Syfy/EW party
#5: Haha! You! RT @jpalmiotti: That David Mack...he can dance.
#6: @mia_matsumiya Was out with Tom Jane tonight & mentioned you & James to him. I'll tell you why later :)
#7: Earlier... birthday party for Jon Muth with Kent Williams, Barron Storey, Dave McKean, Allen Spiegal & friends
#8: Wow- what a night. Just getting back to hotel from being out with Tom Jane, Palmiotti, Bradstreet, Ron Pearlman, Quesada at Syfy EW party
#9: RT @dasRupa: Adventures with Thomas Jane! At SyFy party with @davidmackkabuki, Tim Bradstreet and Jimmy Palmiotti. #SDCC
#10: Caught up with Tom Jane. @Mia_Matsumiya came by in wounded nurse uniform. The Art Book Hardcover was a hit!
#11: MIng, I saw them- great costumes RT @mingdoyle: I pointed out awesome Cloak & Dagger cosplay duo to @thechrishaley CLOAK WAS @ISAIAHMUSTAFA
#12: noticed Akemi post-it-notes apearing around Comicon
#13: Animehot.net Kabuki hats were a hit- Very cool pic of Mila Jovovich wearing @AnimeHot ears
#14: Nice door w DD/Echo & Kabuki painting! RT @jillygunn: my studio decor -can you tell I love @davidmackkabuki? http://twitpic.com/289jwi
#15: Fantastic Marvel party last night. Getting ready for the biggest, busiest, comicon day of all
#16: Miss u, pal! Everyone asks about u RT @Oeming: Just got a sweet call from @brianmbendis & @davidmackkabuki from the con! I miss my bothers!
#17: RT @mika_tan: Amazing use of mixed media, David--there's stitching in her dress! RT @davidmackkabuki: Photo of new Kabuki (cont) http://bit.ly/94hJcK
#18: RT @dasRupa: Watching @davidmackkabuki and @JhonenV discuss fashion = teenage fantasy #263, check! Less champagne & strawberries in this ...
#19: Photo of new Kabuki statue at Comicon SIDESHOW booth http://bit.ly/94hJcK sculpted by PopCultureShock
#20: Had a super Comicon Friday :) RT @cydperske: Had a great day @ #sdcc met @davemckean, BROM, Michael Zulli, David Mack & many more!
@21: Comicon! RT @mika_tan: Twitter-friends IRL! Lots of laughs @ImageComics @davidmackkabuki @mia_matsumiya @jamesgunn http://yfrog.com/5zl2uhj
#22: Mia, great to see you & James today- it was a riot! RT @mia_matsumiya: Here I am in a Comic-Con bag. #sdcc http://twitpic.com/27pha9
#23: @mika_tan Great to meet you today -Some wonderful photos :)
#24: See you on Friday! RT @spo1981: Got Neil Adams to sign my Batman book and a sketch from David Mack. Good first day.
#25: Hello RT @stephanielantry: Bendis and David Mack are here too.
#26: RT @StephanieLantry: At a party. With Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. *awesome*
#27: Dinner w @brianmbendis @jengrunwald @dasrupa. Ran into Simon Pegg at our after party. Nick frost
#28: Comicon meet up with @mia_matsumiya & @jamesgunn ! Mia fit in a Comicon bag. @mika_tan showed up- photos & mayhem ensued!
#29: I sure did! :) RT @gemmarfleming: @davidmackkabuki Dude! I think @mia_matsumiya is there! Look for her (and hug her for me; I miss her)!

MOB News Bytes
From Brian Michael Bendis:
The Powers TV show goes forward with the president of FX asking me to tell you that there is no more important show on the development slate. And that we are in super active development. News on that soon.

Auction Spotlight
A Kabuki poster based the Kabuki Compilation cover is available on eBay (Buy it Now: $9.99).

Order Kabuki: Reflections -
Volume 1 Hardcover Today!

April 11: Webmaster's note

April 7: David Mack attending New York's MoCCA this weekend, MoCCA pre-party, thoughts on two films & more

April 6: Photo of upcoming Dream Logic shirt, David Mack and Tony Solomun art jam zine, David Mack plugged in Qatar newspaper & more

Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.