2729 is the # for the IMAGE COMICS area in San Diego that my table is at. Same place as last year. As every year. Just got confirmation
See U there! RT @satinephoenix: Just got word that I'll be kickin it at the GeekScape.net booth at Comic Con from 3-5 Every ComicCon Day!!
Haha- My pal David Ury wrote & produced this vid http://bit.ly/d1U9nJ #4:
Love it RT @pulphope: Some sick Lorenzo Mattoti World Cup/soccer art: http://bit.ly/bIxYe9 (via @comicsreporter)
Heads up that I will be at San Diego Comicon signing at the IMAGE COMICS booth (at my table there) Wednesday - Sunday.
Thank you :) RT @MeredthSalenger: @davidmackkabuki just discovered your art! Beautiful. Love your stuff! Your newest fan xoxox
Looks fun RT @shubbykins: Danny Trejo & Michelle Rodriguez? RT @davidmackkabuki New Machete trailer http://bit.ly/ar5OvL #8:
Yay! RT @Oeming: It was very nice waking up to Harvey Nomination this morning. I need to savor days like this:)
New Machete trailer www.traileraddict.com #10:
Vid of Kabuki & Katchoo (SIP) action figures. KABUKI Vol. 1 Hardcover -really good limited edition online order price http://bit.ly/bbGwTh
Auction Spotlight
All of the Kabuki masks (SRP: $185.65/set) are available on eBay (Buy It Now: $250.00).
Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.