Don’t believe in death as an end. There is no such thing. Believe in new beginnings. Fresh perspectives. Every exit is an entrance somewhere else. -- Kabuki: The Alchemy #1
#1: @LastGoodEmperor Haha! funny. I did do some painted covers of Abby for ST about ten years ago when BKV was writing it.
#2: I had a fantastic dream this morning in which I was in a swamp with aligators & crocodiles.
#3: @EricCanete Glad to hear! Bendis & I saw Patton perform live in Portland. Hilarious.
@mika_tan Did your Kabuki package arrive?
Thanks RT @ZFunktopus@kristenmchugh22 Check out The Shy Creatures, a fantastic children's book by David Mack if you like children's books
@cquad73 I'm listening to that one when I'm in the car now too :)
WOw- great violin RT @olganunes: Wow. Same musician, covering T-Pain: I now love him.
I enjoy the feedback from readers who found THE ALCHEMY helpful & useful in some way. Thanks for all the response. Some to go in DL letters
:) RT @ChrysopoeiaDos: I'd just like to give you a shout & thank you. The Alchemy really helped me figure out that I want to be a designer!
Which volumes have you read so far? RT @JanArrah: almost complete with
@davidmackkabuki'sKabuki. enjoying
Mountain of work to climb today- Get this painting scanned for the publisher- Get DREAM LOGIC 2 in order- & More spontaneous paintings-
Finished painting a high profile cover. Been unwinding with a manic flurry of personal paintings. 3 so far. Spontaneous, Expressive & fun
Blessings RT @Amanojahku: Read: Kabuki by David Mack and The Invisibles by Grant Morrison #FEEDYOURSOUL
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Designed and maintained by David Thornton, is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by only for the purpose of review.