 Home News June 2010 7th
Brussels and Paris Photos |
Thanks to Rupa DasGupta for reporting that the following photo albums of her trip to Brussels and Paris with David Mack are online:
Iron Man II Sketch Card |
Tradingcardco posted a photo of an Iron Man II sketch card.
HeroesCon, Dream Logic & More |
From David Mack: |
And thanks to the people of Paris & Brussels who came to the signings & art exhibits. I'm very grateful for my readers. #smart&greattaste
RT @artelliott: @davidmackkabuki My friends family needs help. If it's possible, please, retweet this link http://bit.ly/9otwxg I appreciate your time
A big thanks to the people at HEROES con who came to my table... you made it a wonderful experience
@liquidcross You r welcome. Hope you like! I liked the drawing and took a pic.
@1horseshy Thank you :)
My cat lays behind my back in my chair while I'm working. It must be hot & snug but he lays there purring.
RT @LordRetail:
@ChristyDreams David Mack's Dream Logic is this week, but you probably already knew that. ;) Lemme know if you can't fi ...
Still getting great feedback on THE ALCHEMY OF ART film doc on DVD
Hope U like! RT @JanArrah: @davidmackkabuki Just ordered Volumes 2-4 for Wednesday. Will order the rest when I get paid again Friday. *_*
#fatherfigures RT @DAVID_LYNCH: I have applied the hands to the holes.
Listening to Charlie Rose while working. Quote mentioned while discussing author Wes Moore
"We are products of our expectations"
@dustinharbin Thanks you #Heroescon and you & Shelton and friends for the fantastic shindig!
Fantastic new sketch book from @EricCanete ! Thanks!
Dream Logic & Tarot pics RT @painpowers: Analytical + Whimsical Mystical = DAVID MACK's DREAM LOGIC http://bit.ly/ceh0Bp
@DoverJoshua Thanks for the kind words
RT @CurvaceousDee: (Can you tell we are fans of the work of @warrenellis, @JhonenV and @davidmackkabuki? We love how they insinuate them ...
Happy Heroes con RT
@brittanhere: A couple of prints from
@davidmackkabuki !!! http://yfrog.com/jkfzhj
Glad to hear it! RT @JanArrah: finished Circle of Blood. LOVED IT! Can't wait to get the rest of Kabuki, I wanna see how it grows.
...And @mollyMcIssac :)
After-Heroes Con dinner w
@comixace, cheyenne, Ben McCool...
Last day of HEROES con... starting now!
:) RT @ChristyDreams:
@davidmackkabuki I just finished Dream Logic #1. Breathtaking! Can't seem to stop smiling! Thanks again! ((^_^))
Yes, send to @brianmbendis' basement RT @autographdude: @davidmackkabuki, David, is there an address to send something to you to sign?
HEROES CON Saturday very busy and charming.
@dollarboxes :) ELECTRIC ANT #3 in stores this past week! #PhilipKDick
I think you miss him... :) RT @punkagogo: Had a dream about @davidmackkabuki - random?! Or do i just miss him?! ;) haha!
@Templesmith The hotel is nice... &... Again, I recommend NOT drinking a jar of fluid given to u at the con that someone calls "MOONSHINE"
but... then she took it off after she received lots of enthusiastic responses & questions from the people that saw it on my facebook pg...
The Akemi in Japan (that I named Akemi after) tagged a photo of herself on my facebook in her new AKEMI HAT from Animehot.net... but...
@CelHaven: Analytical + Whimsical Mystical = DAVID MACK's DREAM LOGIC: Newsarama "It's a 48-page book... http://goo.gl/fb/CZGuU
@mingdoyle I look forward to it! :) Keep thinking about that Kabuki piece :) It will be a delight!
@michealdark :) Hi Michael. Well the REFLECTIONS ART BOOK should be at your local comic shop now. Good to see you in Chicago
James O'barr stopped by for hugs. Ming Doyle & Eric Cannette gave me their fantastic new sketchbooks.... #heroescon
First day of HEROES con is great. Caught up with a lot of old pals. REFLECTIONS HARDCOVER ART BOOK is a hit
RT @AZellWill: I keep thinking of
@davidmackkabuki DD story: There're 2 dogs fighting in me. 1 mean & 1 good. The usual winner? The one ...
http://bit.ly/b3V5Xl Pic of Brussles Gallery & artists & map of HEROES convention and My table #
RT @VanetaRogers: I talk with David Mack about next week's Dream Logic Newsarama.com
In Charlotte- met up with @jimmahfood for sushi.
@dustinharbin in a taxi headed your way
Landed in Charlotte |