Message Boards
WFC: June 1-5, 2001
Re: thank you for art
SAT, 6/2/01, 12:14 a.m. - In Response To: thank you for art (Dan Maull)
Hi David.
I just wanted to say thanks.
Several years ago you were kind enough to sell me a Kabuki watercolor and I never got around to saying THANKS. I have finally gotten around to getting a computer and figured I would drop a quick "hi" and thanks !!
Hi, Welcome to the message board. Glad you like the art.
Also, Jim Steranko did an alternate cover for you. Do you
know if the original is for sale and how I might reach him to inquire ??
I've told him that if he is ever going to part with his original Kabuki
painting that I'd like to have first considerations on it. So I guess I
can't really help you there:)
Dan Maull
Boston,MA (and sometimes NJ)
Hope to see you in San Diego!
Thanks for dropping by and for the warm regards.
See you in San Diego. I will indeed be there the entire show.
Re: Questions about Aug releases
SAT, 6/2/01, 5:41 a.m. - In Response To: Questions about Aug releases
Hi Adam,
Thanks for keeping your Kabuki site so up to date.
The T-shirt by Graphiti Designs in the Previews catalogue for Items
shipping in August is the art from the Kabuki #4 varient. It is also on
the back cover of Kabuki #1. It is a watercolor/acrylic wash painting of
Kabuki's face without scars. Probably my most popular and best selling
print that I make available at conventions.
As for the softcover version of Metamorphosis, I imagine that the cover
will stay the same. I'm pretty happy with it as the cover for the book.
See you at Heroes con in Charlotte next week?
Cool, I've got it all covered in the "upcoming" section
of my site...which I think I finally have looking right.
Forgot to look through the Previews last Thursday...what art is on
these new T-shirts?
And does the Metamorphosis TPB have a new cover?
Mack at Heroes Con in Charlotte NEXT WEEK!
SAT, 6/2/01, 6:16 a.m.
June 8-10 I will be at Heroes Con on CHarlotte North Carolina. Andy
Lee and Anh will be set up with me. Oeming will be there, Brereton and
I think Quesada will be there too.
I will have all kinds of Kabuki goodies, prints, trades, hardcovers,
back issues and ORIGINAL art. Kabuki, Scarab and Daredevil original art pages for sale.
I will be happy to sign your entire Kabuki collection if you want to
bring it.:)
Stop by, ask questions, give comments and enjoy the show.
I will also be on a panel speaking about my writing process.
Hope to see you there.
Hello Hello...
SAT, 6/2/01, 10:43 p.m. - In Response To: el paso? (jen)
hello this is a desperate fan from el paso, tx wondering
if you are coming anywhere near here soon or ever?
Hi Jen,
Thanks for reading my boooooook.
I did a convention in Dallas in 95. I think It may have been called
the Dallas fantasy fair. And I was scheduled to be a guest at it in 96
but they cancelled the show at the last minute. Since then, I guess I haven't
known of or been invited to attend any other shows in Texas.
But I am open to the idea if you know of any conventions there.
The same goes for anyone who knows of any conventions around Houston.
I have an uncle in Houston who works for NASA. It's been like ten years
since I visited him there and I'd like an extra excuse to visit Houston
Re: Comics Code Authority
SUN, 6/3/01, 4:01 a.m. - In Response To: Comics Code Authority (Jim
David, you've probably heard that Marvel Comics is dropping
out of the Comics Code. As a creator, do you have any opinion on this?
My opinion is that is sounds like a great idea.
When you were either writing or drawing Daredevil, did you feel constrained by it?
In my DD run, I think that Kingpin used the work "bastard" in one of his rants. Marvel said that the code might have a problem with that word and that I should maybe change the word. I didn't change it and the code didn't seem care or to notice.
However When Bendis used the word in one of his DD issues the code fined Marvel for it.
I guess that Marvel just got sick of being arbitrarily fined and decided
to just not deal with the code at all. I'm sure it saves them a lot of
hassle, time and money.
And I can't think of anyway that the code was actually helping.
(I noticed you duplicated the property of Elektra's sais
that they can go through people but not clothes.
Pretty much the only referenced of Elektra in my run are direct flashbacks
that Ben has of his experience with her.
So I just wanted those scenes to stay consistent with his history.
Frank Miller always thought that was funny when he drew
it. Aren't sais blunt, anyway?)
The sais that I've seen are blunt at the end. I've never seen a "needle
tipped" sai in real life and I remember thinking about that when I saw
some in comics that way.
Jim B
I will be at San Diego Con! Rick Mays too!
SUN, 6/3/01, 4:50 p.m. - In Response To: Will David be at the San Diego
con? (paul g)
Just a message to see if David will be attending the San
Diego con as I've been a fan for ages and am dying to get a sketch from
him.I'm based in the UK so this may be the only chance of meeting the guy.Thanks
for any responses.
I go every year. Bendis and I will have a large booth together, with two tables of Kabuki on one side and two tables of Powers display on the other.
I will have all kinds of Kabuki goodies and original art.
Rick Mays will also be signing at one of the tables at my Kabuki booth (the first con he has attended in years).
THis will be his only signing all year and who knows when he will publicly
sign again. So I urge anyone that wants to meet Rick or get your books signed by him to look us up at San Diego Con.
Bendis and Mike Oeming of Powers will be signing at the tables of their Powers side.
Our tables should be located by the IMage Comics section of the show.
Thanks for asking.
See you there:)
Re: Hype: New Sequential Tart
SUN, 6/3/01, 5:00 p.m. - In Response To: Re: Hype: New Sequential Tart
My review of the CoB hardcover is in the Manga section.
I had reviewed Scarab 1-7, but it didn't get in.. oops.
It's a great issue! [:D]
Hi Jamaica,
Thanks for the Review:)
If you get any more Kabuki reviews in please make sure that they list the publisher as Image. I think this one mistakenly lists the publisher as Top Shelf.
But I really appreciate you reviewing it and getting it on the site.
Thanks again.
Kabuki 1/2 question
SUN, 6/3/01, 9:07 p.m. - In Response To: Enjoyed DD #18 plus Kabuki
question (Bryan Goff)
very cool issue can't wait for the last part. What made
it cool was that when I called into work to ask my boss when I work next
he said. "Hey Bryan I picked up the last 3 issues of Daredevil and they
were amazing!" This coming from a guy who only read the Smith run so that
was cool. Yesterday when I was writing my order for the new Previews I
put Kabuki 1/2 on there as well as all other kinds of stuff. But my question
is Will there be anything new in the Kabuki 1/2 issue in the new Previews?
Bryan Goff
Thanks Bryan,
Yes there will be some new stuff in the Kabuki 1/2.
Unfortunately the solicitation copy for that did not read very clearly.
I think they tried to edit out a lot of my solicitation copy and the resulting
sentences don't even seem to make sense to me. I don't quite understand
this because it looks like there is enough room to run my originl solicitation
in its entirety.
The French Eclipse magazine ran an indepth spotlight, article, interview combination on Kabuki and that will be included here for the first time ever in English language.
I think it is one of the most insightful interviews and Kabuki articles
ever done. I think it was like 10 or 12 pages long.
I will also include some other extra things. Sketches, comments, etc.
Besides those, this will be the fully painted Kabuki story that was
run in the Wizard 1/2 and only available through the mail in offer from that magazine. It has never before been printed any where else. And it will include both of the covers that Wizard used.
SUN, 6/3/01, 9:10 p.m. - In Response To: where in the world is Kabuki?
(Ryan Genovese)
Thanks for reading the books.
I'm looking forward to chronicling Kabuki's further experiences. I havn't set a release date yet, but I am anxious to return to the newest
Mr. Mack,
im loving your current run on daredevil, the artwork is, as always, amazing!! i love that your branching out to other characters, but when will you return to Kabuki? im eager to see what happens after issue nine. as an artist myself i understand that it is important to step
back from a project to allow for some breathing room, so im sure that whenever
Kabuki does return it will be great!!
Re: Hi David Mack
SUN, 6/3/01, 9:12 p.m. - In Response To: Hi David Mack (Adrian)
i read DD18, and i must say your art keeps getting even better than before. which is amazing, i really like how you use different media in your work. well done.
i was wondering when you are going to resume doing kabuki?
As soon as I can. I'm really looking forward to it.
i can't wait.
Thanks for sticking with my books.
and i was wondering for the ozcon you're coming to. is it
gonna be on for 2 days?
Looking forward to signing in Australia and New Zealand next year, but
I don't know what the con scheduling is at the moment.
you are the man. [:)]
Re: Feng Shui
SUN, 6/3/01, 9:18 p.m. - In Response To: Feng Shui (Rafael)
Hello Mr.Mack,
I've sort of been getting into Feng Shui, a Chinese way of life that
believes that by controling your enviornment, you can shape certain aspects
in your life. I was just curious about your own thoughts on this. The more
I practice Feng Shui, the more I see it's relationship with how Kabuki manages to understand herself in the Metamorphosis collection.
I enjoy it. Have several books on it and Andy Lee's mom is real into it.
I was glad that when she visited my house she like the "energy" in it.
"good spirits" and that sort of thing.
My first conversation about Feng Shui and Kabuki took place before I
released Kabuki. I was writing Circle of Blood in college for my writing
thesis. I was doing it in a sort of senior level independant study type
class. My instructor was Dr Margo Jang and she made me very considerate
of Feng Shui in the book. When she saw my early drawings we had discussions
about it in relation to the story, especially about Kabuki's mother's Urn and Stone in the General's Garden.
Re: I will be at San Diego Con! Rick Mays too!
MON, 6/4/01, 5:28 a.m. - In Response To: Re: I will be at San Diego
Con! Rick Mays too! (paul g)
Thanks for the answer David.I was hoping you was going as
I've been a fan since fear the reaper and have managed to purchased most
of the Kabuki comics you have done.
Thanks for sticking with it from the beginning:)
Your poster set looks kick ass in my living room [:)]
Thanks for displaying them so prominently. I'm very happy with the way
those posters printed. Glad you like them too:)
Just a question as I have'nt attended a u.s con before.How
much do you charge for sketches as I would love a Kabuki/DD sketch
At cons I only have time for my I call the "Quickie Kabuki Sketch". These are drawings that I do with a Brush pen and ink, but are not limited to Kabuki. Most of the requests are Kabuki, DD, Echo, or other Kabuki characters.
I draw them for $10 each.
and also how much is it to get the comics signed? Thanks
for your time,Paul
I am happy to sign any of my books that you bring or pick up at my table
at no charge. My way of thanking you for reading my work.
Thanks Paul.
Re: Mack, a question?
MON, 6/4/01, 5:43 a.m. - In Response To: Mack, a question? (Victor
I feel kinna stupid for asking, but I'm wondering about
your triangles. Do you include them in your paintings to direct the eye,
as a David Mack 'sinature' or just 'cause they look cool? I thought it
was something to do with Kabuki, but then I saw it in alot of your other
stuff. DD18 was great by the way. Nice work.
Glad you like the new DD. Keep an eye out for #19 which I just recently
I do use the triangles as an element of design to direct the readers
eye to focal points on the page. Besides the sequence of images there is
also a hierarchy of images on each page. I generally just keep working
at the design until I think the map is there that navigates your eye in
the right order, direction, and keeps it on the right points for the right
amount of TIME.
The triangles are one element of design that I pull out of the tool
box when I think it is appropriate. Usually the triangles are reserved
for when the rest of the page might border too much in the dimension of
realism, or a more literal stream of thought.
Here's why:
I noticed that when I talk on the phone, i'f I'm not already drawing
something specific, that I will begin drawing things without any conscious
thought behind them. I noticed this like twenty years ago. Except that
whenever I do this, I don't draw any images. Without thinking, I just draw
these bizzare patterns of geometric shapes. Some kind of unconscious sacred
geometry looking things that sometimes look like the shapes that make up
crop circles or some outdated pictographic language. The primary shapes
in these are often triangles, trapezoids, rhombuses and parellelograms.
So I decided that whenever my consciuos design sense seemed to fail
at achieving the right ballance in the picture, that I would try to incorporate
elemements from my unconscious design sense into the composition. The triangles
are a part of this. They often bring in an extra dimesion to the design
and very simply create the heirchy in the page that I am looking for.
I always try to keep a certain balance between my conscious and unconscious
design sense, and between my analytical and my intuitive approach to the
Scarab Artbook
MON, 6/4/01, 5:46 p.m. - In Response To: Re: Scarab #7 (blank caption
boxes) (Maxonestar)
Sounds great, I dig the art minus the stories, gives me
something to flip through and enjoy. I use it as a tool to show my artists
that you don't have to do what is expected to make a damn good looking
book. And in my opinion, you never got off track. The DD run is great (both
the writing arc and art arc). I am really looking forward to the art book,
Rick Mays blows me away.
You're going to love the SCARAB ARTBOOK then! I have two entire drawers
filled with all the work Rick has done since I met him in 95 and we first
planned to work together.
I have several full Sketchbooks of his in there, several oil paintings
on canvas, cel painings, breakdowns, all kinds of stuff in many different
mediums and approaches. Direct stuff that he did in practice, research,
and structure for Scarab, and a lot of other more personal stuff that kind of creeps into the sketchbook. I get psyched about the book just thinking of all the stuff I can put in there.
I'll also probably run commentary from each of us in there.
Maybe some of my original layouts and scripts too. I haven't decided
if I should mix this together or keep the artbook all Rick, and do a seperate Scarab SCRIPTBOOK for my layouts, sketches and original handwritten scripts.
Thanks, I really appreciate it.
I sent the e-mail about the paper. SHould hear back soon.
Do you have a price? You can e-mail it to me if you like.
The price I have on that page is $250, but if you get it, I'm going to
choose some other art as a gift and throw in a ton of other stuff too,
in thanks for the music advice and program.
Makes sense to me, thanks for taking the time to answer
the question again.
Hope it made sense. It made sense in my own head, but I have to be mindful
that breaks in convention don't throw people off of the story which is
the real focus.
Scarab #7 (blank caption boxes)
MON, 6/4/01, 6:01 a.m. - In Response To: Up at 4 am writing... (Maxonestar)
And I'm going crazy, but I need to finish the script for
issue two of my book tonight. I have a question for you though, are
you still releasing Reflections volumes occaisionally or has that stopped?
I honestly have no idea why I like Reflections so much but I do. Flip through
them all the time. The one where you broke down you and Joe Q.'s Daredevil cover collabaration is a favorite. I really have a thing for sketchbooks, and reflections is an extremely professional sketchbook in my opinion.
Ah well, back to the story.
Hi Rob,
Really glad that you like Reflections. I do plant to continue them. I'm sure I will get back on track with that and the Scarab Art book now
that I have just finished DD and will be finishing up the Scarab story
soon. But I'm really glad that you get something from it.
oh yeah, this is why I got online in the first place. Have
you had a chance to find out the paper grade for Scarab by the way? My current plan is to print a minamum print run of the first issue of my book to present to small press publishers. It's a fairly long series (plotted
for twelve issues) and I plan on scripting the entire thing and getting
at least the first five issues drawn before I present it to anyone. Do
you think this is a good idea?
Sounds like a good idea. I will send an email reminder to the Image production
guy about the paper grade today.
Also wondering if the original art for page #11 from Scarab #7 was available? That page rocks...
I'm pretty sure that I have recieved it back from the printer and I know
that I have not sold it yet. So, Yes. I will go ahead and say that it is
still available.
Hey new question, on page #10 there's alot of empty narration
boxes, intentional or misprint?
-Rob (broadcasting from my den)
Intentional. But you are not the first, or second, or third, or fourth
to ask that.
I did have words in each of those boxes at first. Then I decided that
I liked it better for a few different reasons with out the words, so I
pasted little white pieces of paper over the words to block them out. Some
times the words are more interesting in their absence.
I decided that I liked the page with the caption boxes, but with them
blank. I didn't that she should go on talking the same way as the other
pages after she just got blown of her moter cycle. It sort of seems like
her train of thought is broken and that it takes her a few blank cation
boxes to get her focus back together. Also I liked the rythm in contrast
to her words on the other pages of the sequence. The silence lets it breath
here. It makes sure you are still paying attention. Knocks the wind out
of the reader the same way it did to her.
PREVIEWS reminder: Kabuki 1/2 & Metamorphosis TPB
MON, 6/4/01, 9:19 a.m.
The current PREVIEWS catalogue in your local comic store is offering
the painted Kabuki 1/2 story and the Kabuki METAMORPHOSIS TPB ("Trade Paper Back" or softcover).
If you want either of these, please make sure to tell your local store
so they can order from the current PREVIEWS catalogue. We set our print
run based on what the store ORDERS IN ADVANCE, so it is very important
that they know how many to order ahead of time and always PREorder the
For those of you that missed the Kabuki 1/2 offered thru Wizard Magazine's mail in deal, you can get this edition of it which includes both Wizard
covers and some extra stuff, interview, etc.
For those of you that prefer softcover to hardcover, here is your chance
to order the KABUKI METAMORPHOSIS story (1-9).
My most evolved Kabuki work. And it is a must read if you've been reading Scarab. Scarab #8 ties in tightly with this story in a very important way.
Re: Don't forget the DD and new Kabuki t-shirts [:)]
MON, 6/4/01, 5:33 p.m. - In Response To: Don't forget the DD and new
Kabuki t-shirts [:)] *NT* (Bryan Goff)
Good point!
Graphiti design has a new Kabuki shirt with the painted image of the
cover art of Kabuki #4 varient on it.
THere is also a DD shirt of one of my DD cover paintings.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY: Make sure to pre order the SCARAB MASK from Moore
Creations. THey can still get pre-orders on this, but they may not be able
to get RE-orders after the Masks come out.
Re: Kabuki question I've been thinking about
MON, 6/4/01, 5:57 p.m. - In Response To: Kabuki question I've been
thinking about (Bryan Goff)
Hi Bryan,
Not stupid at all. I would love to play a Kabuki videogame.
In fact one of the major labels had approached Image about it a couple
years ago, asking for my phone #. Image called me to see if I would let
them give my # to the game company, and I said yes. But that was the last
I heard of it.
My friend Andy Lee visited the studio of one of the major game companies because they wanted to ask about him doing artwork for them. They didn't know that he was friends with me. He saw Kabuki books all over their studio. He said he knew the guy who did them, and they said they were big fans of the book.
Next thing you know we all saw the "SCARAB" action commercial on tv! If you know what I mean.
BUt I am definitly interested in a Kabuki video game. There are so many
approaches that it could have that tie in with the story. I just haven't
pursued it, because I've been so focused on my personal Kabuki stories.
But maybe I should.
Hi David,
I know that you don't liscence out all kind of Kabuki related things
like plates, socks, underwear etc. And I have heard the the Kabuki movie
is in development either as a live action or animated. Either way very
cool. All I'm wondering is will there be a Kabuki video game? If so that'll be cool. I can see a Kabuki game now as a fighting game, rpg, or something like tomb raider. Thanks for your time and sorry if my question seems stupid.
Bryan Goff
Re: got my mask...the best part is......
MON, 6/4/01, 6:00 p.m. - In Response To: got my mask...the best part
is...... (Mindy Ruehling)
The first think I did is put it on too:)
Everyone I show it to likes to do this. And it seems to fit everyone
so far.
Finally got ahold of a Kabuki mask...it is SO cool!! But
the best part is..it fits MY face perfectly!! It almost seems as if it
were built for my face because my chin sits right in place, nose perfect
size and place, same with the eyes, and the top stops exactly at my hairline!
It was so cool to tie this mask on and prance around the house for a few
minutes! Only problem: no nose holes...could barely breath, had to take
it off [:(] Possible improvement for the Scarab mask...nose holes please!!
And keep it the same size so I can wear it too!! Its very fun to pretend
to be Noh! I think I'll go put it back on and go practice my Kendo for
a while!! [:)]
Thanx for the awesome item Mack!
Re: Original Art
MON, 6/4/01, 11:48 p.m. - In Response To: Original Art (Jeremy Bishop)
Mr Mack do you sell any of the original art work from Kabuki or DD ?? If so where can one view these pieces ??
Jeremy B
Hi Jeremy,
I do sell original art. If you want to see it firsthand, I bring a sizeable
amount of Kabuki, Daredevil, and Scarab art to conventions and sell it
Or, if you already have some favorite pages in mind, let me know which
pages you want. Include alternate choices in case some pages are no longer
Then I can let you know which ones are available and what the specific
prices are. GENERALLY, prices tend to be in this ballpark:
Black and white pages start at $100 and can range up to $300. Painted
pages range as low as $500 or as high as $2000. Covers start at $3000 and
can range higher depending on my attachment to them.
While some of the painted pages can add up pretty fast, most of the
black and white pages are fairly affordable to most people. I'd say most
of the Scarab page go for around $100 or $150. The pages of her in constume
or go closer to $250.
Re: About working with Brian
TUE, 6/5/01, 12:02 p.m. - In Response To: About working with Brian
(Thi Tran)
Thi Tran
I just want to know how painting on Daredevil #16-19 was different compared to books which you have written yourself.
VERY different.
I believe this would be the first time you painted from
someone else script.
Yes. THe first time, as as far as I can see, the last.
I had a great time working with Brian. We have been friends for years
and it was great to do this project. As Brian says "great to finally work
on a project together that is worthy of our friendship". He sent a full
script and let me take it from there.
It was such a satisfying experience that I don't think I will ever need
to do it again. As much as I enjoyed it, and it let me refocus my energies
after putting so much into Kabuki and doing all the art/writing chores
for so long, it let me know that I'm just not meant to be someone who works
from someone else's script. It reminded me that the reason I learned to
draw comics, was so that I would have someone (me) to draw my STORIES.
But that my own personal stories are the reason I'm doing it in the first
So really enjoy this DD project the way I did, because I think it will
be a one of a kind project. It was great to do it with a friend.
Was Brian specific about what he wanted on each page or
were you given a brief outline?
It reads like a screen play. All dialogue. Something Bendis is great at.
Another question. How do you find the time to paint, write,
travel around the world to different comic conventions and answer fans
on the message board?
I'm not sure. I look at it from both ways: from one perspective, if I made
a list of all the things I've done experienced and created, I'd be able
to fit a lot on that list. On the other hand, I'm never able to catch up
with or even keep pace with all the new Ideas I have. So it sort of feels
like I am forever behind, because it takes me a while to finish a project
and manifest those plans and ideas, and all the while, I'm thinking of
more ideas and plans every day.
But I am glad that I juggle several things at once. I learn from one
and apply it to the other.
THis reminds me of something Jim Steranko once said. He said that if you are always doing several things in the same time overlap, that you can actually fit a lot more in than you might imagine (through proper time
management), and you can look back at it and realize that you have experienced
several lifetimes in the same life.
Maxonestar (Scarab paperstock)
TUE, 6/5/01, 12:11 a.m.
Brent at Image says:
It is 50# offset. For a heavier version, check out the trades your
buddy Brian does, they are on a 60# offset.
The cover is call a 70# escanaba gloss
in printer terms 50# offset is I think prounounced fifty POUND offset.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Re: How do you feel about comics? SHARE!:)
TUE, 6/5/01, 5:18 a.m. - In Response To: How do you feel about comics?
Only my closest friends know about my hobbies,you know comics,soldiers,tattoos.I
guess I am alittle guarded with them.
How about everyone else.
The comics, books, films, music, and hobbies that I enjoy are things
that I am eager to share with my friends and aquaintences. My friends and
I often give each other books, comics, movies, films that we have enjoyed,
or we introduce each other to different games, excercises or practices.
Rockclimbing, and pilates yoga are things a friend of mine has got me into
by sharing his passions with me and my friends. I always count on my friends
to introduce me to now music and books too. And I pretty much do the same
with the things that I have been passionate about. In the last couple years
that has been sharing a lot of my enjoyment in theoretical physics and
practical applications.
Share your passions. It's good to break that wall and bring more people
to the party. THat is unless, you want to keep that sphere of life seperate
from your other parts of life because you need that private place. I'm
sure everyone has this too. I love having the different worlds that I romp
in overlap. But there are some that I keep seperate as well. Both ways
help me rejuvenate and learn from one and apply it to the other.
But for the most part, I'm pretty casual and open about sharing the
things I enjoy with others. This happens a lot at Kinko's when people ask
me what I am copying and fed-exing. I show them a book and tell them they
can get more at the comic store down the street. I let them know that comics
can be more than what they remember when they were kids. THe guy at my
comic store always lets me know that these brand new customers come in
and start reading comics because they met me at Kinkos.
Kevin Smith plugs Kabuki on radio interview...
TUE, 6/5/01, 5:40 a.m.
I copied this from a post on the Bendis board.
Very nice of kevin to do this. WHat a real sweetheart.
Someone on the radio show asks him about me and my run on DD and he
goes out of his way to mention that they should read Kabuki. What a pal.
It's all below... the interview. Here is the posted transcription from
the Bendis board:
This is the phone interview conducted on the morning show on 94.7 KNRK
today with Kevin Smith that I mentioned last night. The hosts are Gustav
and Daria. Nothing particularly newsworthy here - at least nothing that
hasn't been discussed on this board already - but it's a good, fun interview
conducted in a reletively mainstream arena. There are also plugs for a
number of comics personalities and books including Oni Press and David
Anyway... enjoy...
[ To read the complete transcript, please download this month's message board posts ]
Daria: Now, um, when David Mack took over the writing after ... after,
um issue eight, um...
[laughs] I just... We've probably lost a big portion of the audience...
Gustav: [laughs]
Daria: ...but I'm on a roll, baby!
Daria: But when David Mack took over, he actually, um... y'know, he
went back and referenced you a couple times. Like, he had Maya and Matt Murdock go to see Mallrats in, uh, in issue eleven, and uh... Did you know he was gonna do that...
Kevin Smith: Not at all...
Daria: ...or was that like a nice surprise.
Kevin Smith: ...but Joe Quesada, who stayed around to do the art chores for that - for at least a few of the issues that Mack wrote - um, he would e-mail me panels from time to time... and, uh, I thought that was very nice, they didn't have to do that.
Daria: That has to be so exiting.
Kevin Smith: Then, at this point, people on the Internet were like,
"Oh, enough with the in-jokes." You know, people on the Internet always have to piss on something you're enjoying.
Daria: [laughs]
Gustav: [laughs]
Kevin Smith: But, uh... No, I didn't - I had no idea, and I met David
once or twice at a few comic book cons and he's a very sweet guy - very talented artist, too.
Daria: Do you get to ch--?
Kevin Smith: He does the comic book Kabuki, if you've ever... Have you ever read it?
Daria: David Mack - Kabuki, no... but I'm writing it down...
Kevin Smith: Ah... You gotta read it. If you liked his Daredevil run, you gotta pick up Kabuki.
Re: Question for Mr. Mack
TUE, 6/5/01, 7:39 p.m. - In Response To: Question for Mr. Mack (Kathy
Thanks for all the feedback!
IT is good to hear from you. I'm glad you get so much from Kabuki and have stuck with it from the beginning.
Currently I am endeavoring in a research paper on the Ainu
people during the Meiji Restoration period and I was hoping you could offer
some advise on some good sources. I'd be happy to send you a copy of my
paper upon completion, if you would be interested.
I understand if you are REALLY busy (I can imagine), but any input
you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
What I did for this, was go to two local university librarys and borrow
every book they had on the Ainu.