 Home Message Boards WFC: May 21-25, 2001
Re: David Mack in New Zealand
TUE, 5/22/01, 3:51 a.m. - In Response To: David Mack in New Zealand
(Jeremy Bishop)
David would you be heading to New Zealand any time soon.
We had Mr Bendis down here in Februray for our ARMAGEDDON Pulp Culture
Expo, if you were asked would you be interested?
Just ask Mr Bendis what he thought of New Zealand and especially
Gotham Comics.
Jeremy Bishop.
As far as I understand, the plans are still in effect for me to visit New
Zealand and Australia next year.
Thanks for making me feel wanted:)
and I'll see you there!
Kelly Howlet...
TUE, 5/22/01, 3:59 a.m. - In Response To: Re: Motor City COn... (Maxonestar)
It was cool to sit by Kelly and see that she was doing so well selling
prints of her work. Kabuki readers may remember her from her Kabuki reader art that was printed in one of the books.
You know, I always enjoy the motorcity con, the lines are
never huge and it always has small put passionate creators, people who
really want to talk to you. I was able to find every back issue of recent
comics I was looking for, as well as pick up some great prints by Mack,
Andy Lee, and Judy Howlette (Her stuff is awesome, I really dig "She Said").
I also bought all the Kabuki hardcovers and a few issues of Scarab I didn't
have. As I got home I slapped myself on the head for not getting a you
don't know me t-shirt, but what the hell, I'll pick one up in Chicago.
See you there. Andy and i enjoyed the CD and were curious as to how you
recorded it. We have planned on recording some things together and would
love to know what you would advise in the way of equipment. What did you
use, if you don't mind saying?
I talked to Fredrico also, though I didn't understand WHY
he was there, it was still very cool to meet him. The Sopranos is probably
the only T.V. that I've watched regularly in the past three years. This
guy rocks. Very nice guy. By the by, The Sopranos season Finale was incredible.
I didn't get to see the Kabuki masks, but I plan on buying it and
the Scarab masks sometime in the near future.
If you haven't had your retailer order it yet, do it now. The masks are
limited and Diamond has already purchased all of them. Make sure your store
orders them from Diamond before they run out.
While it's on my mind, did the Scarab art book ever come
out? anybody know?
I will put it out asap. Looking forward to it.
Hey, glad you liked the CD. That's the unmastered version
of our second album, which we're releasing in July. It's tentatively titled
"Ivy League Ninjas". It's a bit more challenging than average hip hop.
Our first album just sold 3,500 copies. Not bad for three guys and a girl
just goofing around in the basement. We perform this weekend at the Detroit
Electronic Music Festival, which will probably have a crowd of around 5000.
Wish me luck!!
I'm sure you will do great. Glad to hear your music is so succesful.
You know what's funny, Kabuki introduced me to Daredevil...
Re: Scarab questions for Mr.Mack.
MON, 5/21/01, 4:20 a.m. - In Response To: Scarab questions for Mr.Mack.
Hi Mr.Mack,
I was wondering if the Scarab artbook was still coming out and if so this year or next year?
It will come out. I don't have the exact month nailed down yet. But
It will include a huge range of Scarab art that you have not seen in the series including the paged that you mentioned below. Those pages from the previews ads are Rick's. The Scarab Art book will show a lot of the different styles and mediums that he experimented with.:)
Also I was wondering about the artwork that appears in all
Scarab's ads for next issues, ( the very detail artwork,like the ad in back of Scarab#2 that shows a wounded man with two girls) who's art is
it Rick, yours, or someone else? and will we ever see it published as a
story? Thanks for reading.
Motor City COn...
MON, 5/21/01, 4:44 a.m.
Had a great time at this show. Talked with Oeming. Set up with Andy Lee who was huger, more popular than ever at this show.
Federico who plays "Furio" on Sopranos was there and he was super nice
to Anh and I. He stopped by the table a couple times. Super cool guy. I heard that he was a painter who went to the School of Visual arts, so I went to his table and gave him a bunch of Kabuki books. He really seemed to enjoy them and was very complimentary. He took pictures with Anh and I and signed some Sopranos photos to us. Saw him at the party later and he was as friendly and personable as ever.
Actor David Brooks also came to my table and said he was a painter. He bought a copy of Skin Deep and I gave him some others. We had a nice talk and he was very cool.
All the fans were great. The staff was also excellent. Nicer than ever.
I signed the new Kabuki Masks for the first time. These masks are amazing.
Also Maxonestar who posts on these boards gave me a great CD that he made and we listened to it the whole way home. It was very cool. He's got skilz.
Saw some people sporting some of the coolest Kabuki tattoos, i've ever seen. That is a hardcore fan.
Introduced a tone of DD readers to Kabuki.
BENDIS & MACK in Santa Cruz this Wed!
MON, 5/21/01, 4:45 a.m.
Atlantis Fantasy world. We are signing there wed afternoon..
Re: Kabuki (why you should buy it)
TUE, 5/22/01, 4:09 p.m. - In Response To: Kabuki (why you should buy
it) (Maxonestar)
Because it rocks. If you need more reason than that.. keep
Kabuki is in my opinion one of the most innovative books to ever hit comic stores. Every panel of this comic propels the story forward..either deepening the mood or revealing new plot threads to be tied up later. Circle of Blood, the first installment of the series was the first black & white comic I ever purchased. I purchased the trade and went home with some scrutiny, wondering if i would be able to tolerate the lack of color
in a comic. By the end of issue one, this was a moot point that I felt
like an idiot for considering. I was so drawn into the story that not only
did I forget this book was black and white, I was calling my friends and
telling them how amazing the art was. Circle of Blood teaches you something about Japan, about philosiphy, about vengence, and about how your childhood molds your thoughts as an adult. The villain is genius. A true masterpiece
as important to the story as the main character, the reason why Kabuki even exists.
Thanks for the words. I appreciate it.
The exposition reads a little awkwardly at times, but serves
it's purpose well. I suggest starting with this book as it is the beginning
of a very long and expansive story...
True. I can still look at all of the Kabuki books and appreciate them as journals of my growth (and KaBUKI'S), AND for that reason can also acknowledge the flaws and awkwardness in some of that growth process.
It is best to read Circle of Blood first as the introduction and foundation to the story. I can still appreciate a lot of the words, but I sometimes squirm at some of the overwritten parts. The wording is not as evolved
as the later stuff, But I suppose it suits the place of the character,
her growth, and My own.
I guess I was like 19 when I started putting that to words, so some
of the fascinating aspects are to view the book as that kind of documentation
of my evolution as a creator and Kabuki as a character.
In the second installment, Dreams, David takes us on a trip
into philosiphy. Not boring, high school philosiphy, mind you. We're talking
about grown-up, personal philosiphy. Everyone has one, this is the first glimpse we have of Mr. Mack's. The writing here is thematicly loaded, pushing the mood rather than the story. The art here is your first glimpse of what's to come with his painting. This book isn't needed to
enjoy the rest of the series, but I like it. It gives closure to Circle of Blood and opens up new doorways.
So many things these days are plot oriented, that people forget that
plot is only ONE way of telling a story. This volume puncuates the first
as Character motivated rather than plot motivated.
Thanks for the insights on all these. I appreciate the feedback.
Re: Recording Equipment
TUE, 5/22/01, 4:19 p.m. - In Response To: Recording Equipment (Maxonestar)
Well that CD is not Mastered, and is still in the mixing
stage. We will actually have to take it to a real studio to get mastered,
but everything else was done with these means.
The recording equipment we used was fairly standard for the industry.
We used pro-tools (which is unfortunately fairly expensive), a program
that's available in both Mac and PC. I have the Mac version, and run it
on a G4. If you want I could make you a copy of the program and get it
to you. It's no big deal, I like to get anybody with a creative streak
into making music.
That would be GREAT! I'd really appreciate it. And thanks very much for
the advice. I'm going to print it (your words) all out and use it. I have
a Mac G4 too. So the rest should not be too much of a problem. I'm looking
forward to experimenting with the program.
As far as comic printers, is this for B/W or color?
Image prints mine at Quebecor in Canada.
Once I know exactly what you need, it should not be a problem for me
to find what the paper stock is called.
I think the best color paper Images uses is called 50lb Miraweb. But
the paper I use for B/W is thicker.
And I make sure to use one that is true white. Anything resembling
newsprint is pretty grey.
Thanks again. You can send the copy to my address in the books and I'll
send a thank you package back to you.
Re: Any more Kabuki Masks left?
WED, 5/23/01, 4:06 a.m. - In Response To: Any more Kabuki Masks left?
Hey, I was wondering if only 1000 were made and if so, are
they all sold out? Or if demand is great enough, will more be made? Anyone
The way that I understand it is:
Only 1000 [Kabuki masks] were made. The distributor (Diamond) bought them all. Comic shops can still order them from the distributor (Diamond) but supplies will run out very soon.
If this is a problem for you, I also suggest asking Moore Creations,
if you can get any directly from them, or if they will make more.
Re: Recording Equipment
WED, 5/23/01, 4:21 a.m. - In Response To: Re: Recording Equipment (Maxonestar)
As you should, Pro-tools is fun to experiment with, though
it does need lots of space on your computer. My solution was to buy a firewire
back-up hard drive. They're cheap and once you start playing around with
the program, indespensable.
B/W to start with. This is my first attempt at self publishing, and
I would like to keep things as simple as possible for a little while. I
agree, newsprint is not white, and makes the art come out looking quite
lackluster in my opinion.
I'll ask what the name and weight of the paper in Scarab is, if that is
the type you are looking for. Most printers can send you samples of the
different types for you to compare.
Of course, self publishing in this market can be pretty hairy for several
reasons. You might also consider presenting your finished story to a publisher
that does creator owned projects. The publisher would front the cost, and
has a chain of sales and sales plan already in place, and can make it a
more attractive proposition for the retailers to order more of your book.
It is worth considering.
No problem. As I said before, I like getting people into
making music. It's a great way to work without feeling like your working.
Look for the package sometime early next week, I think the program takes
awhile to burn, and I need to prep for a big show this weekend. At any
rate, I need to get back to writing.
Thanks. At your convenience, certainly. I know that the show is a really
big deal. I think I read about it in SPIN magazine.
Re: Weezer's new alum
WED, 5/23/01, 4:24 a.m. - In Response To: Weezer's new alum (Droideka)
No more NPO, eh? Well I'm here now so stop worrying.
Anyway - Have you listened to the new Weezer album? It's too *******
I dig it very much.
Welcome to this board!
I hope everyone from the NPO board starts showing up here.