I lifted the veil. I took away the grid through which she viewed me. I unfolded reality for her.
-- Kabuki: Metamorphosis #4
* Dates Subject to Change *
Kabuki - The Alchemy Hardcover & Trade Paperback: ON SALE
Daredevil - Parts of a Hole Premiere HC: ON SALE
Kabuki - Reflections: Volume 1 Hardcover (regular & limited edition): ON SALE
Daredevil - Echo: Vision Quest Premiere Edition Hardcover: ON SALE
Kabuki - Volume 1: Circle of Blood Hardcover (Regular & Limited Editions): ON SALE
Se7en French Edition Blu-ray: ON SALE
Electric Ant Hardcover: ON SALE
Green Arrow #8: ON SALE
Dream Logic #3: ON SALE
Days Missing - Kestus #4: ON SALE
5 Ronin #4: ON SALE
Justice League of America #56: April 20

Boston Comic Con
April 30 - May 1, 2011
Boston, Massachusetts

Houston Comicpalooza
May 27-29, 2011
Houston, Texas


Home Message Boards WFC: April 1-5, 2001

WED, 4/4/01, 6:30 p.m. - In Response To: MACK! (NoUseForAName)

Hey David... I really love the work you've been doing on Dare Devil, and that's the reason I'm here. I forget which cover it is, but it's Daredevil with the mute and they're kind of embraced, and there's the golden gun, and the little cherubs floating around... I absolutely LOVE that. Is there anyway I can get a print of that?? Please let me know, because I'm very interested... thanks.


Hey thanks for the kind words. Really appreciate it.

I do sell that and other 11x17 prints at cons. If you want one send $10 for the print (i'll sign it) and $3.95 for the postage. Same postage rate and address as the checklist ordering info in all the Kabuki books and on NohTV.

David Mack
13 Boone St
Bromley, KY

DC/Wildstorm bulletin
WED, 4/4/01, 10:00 p.m.

I've been speaking to DC/Wildstorm about taking measures to eliminate the confusion of them crediting my name on a Star Trek book. I've been in the comic's industry much longer than this other David Mack and I do not want it to confuse my readers. I appreciate that he may have his own name recognition with his Star Trek work in other mediums and industries, but...

I work hard to make sure that every comic book with my name has a level of quality and my own personal identity. I take it very seriously that my readers can rely on that when they order, purchase or read a book with my name. I intend to take all steps possible within legal bounds to insure that the name recognition that I built in this industry is not diluted, and that my readers are not tricked or confused.

I appreciate DC/Wildstorm for taking the first step in correcting this matter.
This is from the e-mail bulletin on thier mass mailing list:


DC Comics and WildStorm note that the David Mack credited as a writer on the STAR TREK ® - DIVIDED WE FALL miniseries is not the same David Mack known in the comics world for his work on Kabuki (Image) and Daredevil (Marvel). The David Mack who wrote DIVIDED WE FALL (along with John Ordover) is a science fiction writer who has worked on the STAR TREK ®: VOYAGER television series as well as several STAR TREK ® novels. Issue #2 of STAR TREK ® - DIVIDED WE FALL is solicited in the current Previews.

DD #16!
THU, 4/5/01, 7:15 p.m.

All the comic book stores recieved their advance copy of DD #16 today. So I guess

that means they will hit stores next week.

I saw it today at my local store (COmic Book WOrld). Printed great!

Let me know what you think.

Re: Jinx intro
THU, 4/5/01, 11:11 a.m. - In Response To: Jinx intro (Brian Babyok)

Very Glad that you liked my introduction in Bendis' Jinx!
Believe it or not I actully edited the funnier and more offensive comments of the conversation out of the intro, to protect the guilty. But still a hillarious conversation. Especially when I was half asleep. What I enjoyed was that none of the people talking were really trying to be funny or entertaining. THey were totally themselves, and it is a great slice of everyday absurdity.

I always think that I should do an entire book or series on direct conversations that I have with some of the people in my everyday life. I lose objectivity and forget how entertaining and ridiculous it is.

LLLLLLLooking forward to seeing you, your wife and your new daughter in PITT! Gonna be a grand time. First time I've been there in 20r 3 years!


Read the intro to the Jinx TPB last night and it was by far one of the funniest intro's ever. Outstanding job of getting your point across in a funny and very astute manner.

Can hardly wait for you and Ahn to see my daughter when you come up here to Pittsburgh.

Take care and have a safe trip up here.

Talk to you soon.


Order Kabuki: Reflections -
Volume 1 Hardcover Today!

April 11: Webmaster's note

April 7: David Mack attending New York's MoCCA this weekend, MoCCA pre-party, thoughts on two films & more

April 6: Photo of upcoming Dream Logic shirt, David Mack and Tony Solomun art jam zine, David Mack plugged in Qatar newspaper & more

Designed and maintained by David Thornton, DavidMackGuide.com is an unofficial website dedicated to the artwork and stories of David Mack, who created and owns the copyrights to Kabuki and all related characters. All other characters and images are copyrighted by their respective owners and are used by DavidMackGuide.com only for the purpose of review.