September 28, 2002
David Mack Interview
By John Olin
I had a chance to sit with world renowned comic creator David Mack discuss artistic techniques, and had a chance to ask him a few questions about his upcoming projects.
John: Kabuki is a great comic book! There are plans for a live-action movie based on it being produced by 20th Century Fox, right?
David Mack: Yeah, it is something that we have been working on for quite sometime right now. I keep touching up and rewriting the script to get it just right.
John: Do you have anyone in mind playing the part of Kabuki?
David: Yeah, but nothing for sure just yet.
John: The movie was supposed to be animated wasn’t it?
David: Yeah, in the early stages of scripting we had in mind to make the movie animated.
John: Are there any talks of a videogame based on the movie?
David: I had a few videogame companies call me and were very interested in creating a game!
John: Who is creating the game?
David: I don’t know if I can tell you that just yet and nothing is final really.
John: C’mon can you tell me were they're based? Japan, US, UK?
David: Sorry!
John: Ever played the totally unrelated to the series “Kabuki Warriors”?
David: No, can’t say I have.
John: Good! You should keep it that way! When you worked on Daredevil you really helped continue the series were Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats) left off. Are you helping with the Daredevil movie script at all?
David: Unfortunately, I’m not helping out with the movie at all, but if you noticed in the trailer of the movie there is a huge Daredevil insignia (“DD”) that is on fire. That was actually one of the ideas I incorporated in a previous issue of Daredevil and I though it was very cool that they borrowed the idea for the movie!
John: I (like so many others) am someone who is interested in comic books, but also I would be very interested in designing videogames. I can’t decide what to do! Any advice?
David: If your interested in both that’s fine! I have plenty of friends that show interest in both and manage to work on both. It all just depends on how hard you work at it and what your willing to do.
John: Any advice for inspiring artist?
David: It is something that you need to work at, and hard. This wasn’t just something that was handed to me. I really can’t give anyone person advice or force a technique on them though. Some comic artist are really good artist and can do much better than me, just most of the time they don’t have a proper way of expressing themselves. When I first started on comic books, I didn’t look at what was hot at the time, or what I maybe should be doing, I though about what I wanted first and what people would think of it after.
John: How long does it take you to complete a page on average?
David: A day.
John: Some of these effects are very weird. The scratch effects on your art especially are great. How do you achieve these effects?
David: Well, sometimes I might use hot sauce and other times a jackhammer.
John: ...
David: (laughs) Seriously, although I just use a lot of different medias and techniques. Many times, I will go to Kinko’s and make transparent copies and overlay them on my work, then paint them to give a neat effect.