 Home Collaborators Mike Oeming
Mike Oeming
· HypeThis.com
· KungFuCinema.com
· ManWithoutFear.com
· Newsarama.com
· SilverBulletComicBooks.com
· WestfieldComics.com
David Mack's Thoughts:
· "Actually, funny thing is, Oeming and I have a long history of wrestling each other. We wrestled each other the first time we met at a store signing in 1994. We do it almost everytime we meet. We've wrestled in hotel rooms, outside, we've arm wrestled, and did break dance fighting, and I even challenged him to a walk off! Which he accepted. And it is all on film!!!
I want to say that Oeming is an amazingly strong and skilled fighter and break dancer... I never looked at our bouts as a win lose proposition, but just fighting for the pure energy and fun of it, all in good friendly excercise! And because I am a spaz." (November 13, 2003)
· Mike Oeming's artwork has appeared in David Mack's Kabuki: Gallery as well as the second and third issues of Kabuki: Masks of the Noh
· Mr. Oeming has included Kabuki in Oni Press Color Special, Link, Kai and Snapdragon in Powers #4, David Mack in Powers #22 and Powers #25-#30 (as Detective David Mack)
· David Mack has contributed to the following Mike Oeming projects: the Bastard Samurai trade paperback (pin-up), Ship of Fools: Dante's Compass (wrote the introduction), Ship of Fools: Death and Taxes (artist for front and back covers plus the creative team's biography page) and Six (pin-up)